Chapter 5

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It's been two weeks since I moved to Mount Trandosa. Two weeks since I have been grounded. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I met the rest of Adriano's group of demigods who are also my best friends. Their names Eliana daughter of Athena, Abby daughter of Demeter, and Ayana daughter of Apollo.

I am currently getting ready for yet another day of school. I picked out black leather leggings, a black top, leather jacket, and high heeled black boots. I walked over towards my Jeep Track Hawk. Just to change it up a bit.

I ate some Ambrosia and drank some nectar Hermes delivered yesterday for breakfast and I feel amazing. It is hard to get immortal food where I live. Gods and goddesses need these to stay strong just as mortals need food and drink to live.

I drove 20 minutes before I finally reached school. Vanessa finally gave up on her vendetta with the parking spot. If I had to hear her screech about it one more time I would personally send her to the depths of Tartarus.

I got out of my car and headed to my locker. When I saw Caleb there I smiled. Caleb and I have become good friends. He sits with me at lunch and we even go to car drag races together. We also like to go to this little cafe in town and just hang out together. We both bond over our hatred for mathematics. We also hate the lone wolves. I came up with that name because nobody ever joins their group and they never try to join anybody else's groups. Although I seem to always catch Bentley watching me and I can't help but watch him back. I feel like we are like magnates drawn to each other. It's weird. Whenever we lock eyes I feel this connection.

"Hey, Caleb! What's up?" I say opening my locker. He shrugs. "Not much, although you did got MIA on us this weekend." I sigh. "Yeah, I had to deal with a family friend and then I had homework." He nodded as I grabbed my books. I said goodbye as I walked into History.

I smiled when I saw Ava. "Hey!" I say sitting next to her. She turns to me. "Girl, where have you been!" I sighed. "Family stuff. Let's just say you can never say no to my family members." She nods.

That's when I saw Bentley. We made eye contact. There it was again. The pull like magnets. An undeniable pull. I shake my head and pull out my notebook. Ava gave me a weird look. Finally, the bell rang and Mr. Z started class.

Eventually, lunch came around finally. I sat at my regular table and took out my lunch. "Aren't you tired of eating the same thing every day?" Emily asked watching me taking out my lunch.

"Not at all," I say. One thing about Ambrosia all I have to do is think about what I want it to taste like and that's what it tastes like. God and Goddess food is awesome.

As I was eating I noticed that Caleb had sat down next to me. "So Aubree, do you want to go out on a date sometime?" I smiled at him. "Sure I would love that." He smiled at me and lunch continued.

"Aubree." I looked over at Ava. "What?" I said looking at her. "Bentley is watching you again." I looked over and made eye contact. This is creepy. "Why is he always watching me?" I say with a sigh.

"Who is watching you?" My brother Adriano asked. I turned to him. "No one," I said. He gave me a look saying that he didn't believe me.

"We were talking about Bentley. He is always watching her. It's kinda creepy. Especially since he had Vanessa." I roll my eyes.

I pray to the gods this lunch hour ends in peace but then I jinxed it. I saw Vanessa storming her way over to me.

"Stay away from my boyfriend." She shouted at me. I'm done being nice to this girl. She needs to be put in her place. I have kept my temper on the down-low long enough.

"I have had enough of you Vanessa," I say shouting and standing up at the same time. I stood up so quickly my chair fell. "No, I have had enough of you. You're always bullying my friends, your an awful person, and you don't know when to take a hint!"

I knew she was starting to get angry. "You need to stay away from Bentley!" I rolled my eyes. "Girl I never even spoke to him!" I yelled back at her.

"How about you stop being so easy Aubree!" I looked around and made eye contact with Bentley. "Aubree. What is she talking about?" my brother asked. "She is crazy. It's not my fault that Bentley watches me like a hawk. I don't want Bentley! I'm with Caleb!" She rolls her eyes.

"You never should have come here. Why don't I teach you a lesson that you will never forget." That's when it happened. She slapped me.

The lunchroom got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. She smirked at me. I could feel the anger boiling up in me. "Aubree." I heard my brother say very cautiously. "She doesn't understand what she does." I looked at my brother and he took a step back putting his hands up in surrender. "Aubree, please. Calm down."

By the look on his face, my eyes were turning a deep blood red. Just as my fathers does. "You did not just slap me," I say in a voice that made her face turn ghost white. "You are a low life, you are petty, and all you care about is what makeup you're going to use and what you're going to wear on a trip to the mall."

I could see Bentley get up and make his way over to us. That's when it happened. I slapped her back. She flew at me and I threw a right hook and she was on the floor crying.

"Next time. Keep your hands to yourself. I hope you learned your lesson. Do not cross me or my friends again or you will be praying to the gods that they send you to the depths of the underworld." I said to her. She gives me a death glare but it's no match for mine.

I stand up and walk out of the lunchroom. At least I won't have to deal with that petty stuck up snob. I really hate mortals. They are driving me crazy.

The rest of the day went okay. Everyone was talking about what went down between Vanessa and me. Everyone in the school seemed to be picking sides. From my understanding, her reign of terror placed more than half the school on my side.

I was leaning against my locker at the end of the day. "Hey, babe." I heard Caleb say. I smiled. Caleb brought me into him and he kissed me. It was soft and sweet but there were no sparks in our kiss.

That's when I felt it. Caleb was pushed off me by none other than Bentley Callahan. "Keep your hands off of her rogue." I looked between the two. This is seriously not happening right now.

"Bentley what the hell is your problem!" I yelled at him. "He was kissing you!" I stared at him.

"You can't be serious! You are with Vanessa!" I shouted at him. Why is everyone acting out like this today! Is it a full moon thing?

"You are not supposed to see him. Your supposed to be with me! I know you feel it too. We are like magnets. I will not allow you to date him!"

I just stood there like a blubbering little fish. What the hell is going on? Now out of the blue, he wants to talk to me. Yeah no.

"Leave us alone Bentley! It's not like I kissed Aubree without asking! We have been hanging out and dating. It's not like I kissed her without permission." He let out what sounded like a growl. "No, she is supposed to be with me and you know it." That's when fists started to fly.

Eventually, I was able to tear them apart. "First of all, you don't tell me what I can and can not do. You are with Vanessa and I want to be with Caleb. You can't just come out of the blue and boss me around Bentley. That is not how this works." I say to him. I could tell I was pissing him off. "Come on Caleb. Let's get out of here."

I took his hand and we left Bentley in front of my locker with his mouth hanging open. I couldn't care less at the moment. I walked to my car kissed Caleb, and drove away. I really hate mortal school. There is way too much drama going on around here.

Good thing tonight I can just relax and not have to deal with any more drama. Or at least that's what I thought. 20 minutes later I arrived home I saw my mom and dad sitting in the living room.

"Holy gods," I said. They both turned to me and from the looks, on their faces, I was about to receive a lecture. Not only did I fight in school today. I had two boys fighting over me.

"Aubree. Sit." was all my father said. From then on I knew I was in a lot of trouble.

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