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1 Sugawara Kōshi x reader: Compensations

Hinata: Magnolia-senpai doesn't own us!

Daichi: Nor does she own the Image

Tobio: but the fan fiction is hers

[A/n: I'm only like five episodes into HQ and I already have such a huge crush on Suga-San! Forgive me if he's OOC!]


"Suga-San!!!" You called out, running to catch the attention of the male, who only seems to be attentive to his phone. He glances in the direction of your voice and smiles lightly.

"[L/n]-San I thought you weren't coming." You're trying to catch your breath, but the cold winter air stings your lungs.

"I *pant* had to *huff* watch my siblings *Pant* until my mom returned home." You managed to squeeze out the words even with your compacted lungs.

"Heh, it's okay [L/n]-San, you didn't have to come all the way out here for me!" he pats his neck nervously and you smile brightly.

"But I really want to see Suga-San play!" you pout pretentiously, "Please let me watch you play,I promise I'll be good!" he smiles sheepishly and then agrees.

"Since you came all the way out here,I promise I'll win and then I'll take you out to eat!" he promised and you locked pinkies with him.

"It's a date then!"

"Huh, but I thought this was our date?" the confused look of his face was so adorable.

"Well it's two dates then!"

Even though Sugawara promised that they'd win, they lost horrible . You couldn't help but feel bad and rushed to find your mopey boyfriend.

"Have you seen Suga-kun? I can't find him anywhere." you asked Daichi. Daichi pointed out the direction Sugawara had headed.

"Ah there you are!" you chirped, sitting next to him on the bench.

"[L/n]-chan, We lost, I broke a promise." he smiled sadly and you hugged him tightly.


"So... I really wanted to impress you with my volleyball skills..." he admitted shyly.

"But you did impress me. You were the coolest one out there! I was like woah, that's my Suga? I can't believe it!" you were lost in your own little world talking about how awesome your boyfriend was while playing. It didn't matter if he was weaker than Daichi or Tobio, you were just happy to have seen the look on his face while he was playing.

"I'm really sorry I lost, I really wanted you to see me at my best." he patted his nape sheepishly, "Guess now I can't take you out to eat."

"About that.... I need to compensate you for your lost, so I'm taking you out to eat and~"

He flushed red and looked up at you," But [L/n]-chan that's so embarrassing, can't we just split the check!"

"Nope losers get no say, and you cut me off before I could state my second compensation."

"S-Second?" he looked at you with a horrified look on his face.

"Suga! Stop cutting me off!" you pouted, "I promise it's not that bad!"

"Okay okay, what's your second compensation?" he had the smile that was forever plastered across his face, back on, and that made you blush.

"I w-want to c-call you K-Kōshi...and you have to call me [F/n]." you looked away blushing, "O-Of course we could use honorifics if you're not ready for it yet!" you heard a laugh beside you and you blushed a deeper shade of red.

"Of course you can call me Kōshi, [F/n]-chan." he turned you around and planted a gentle kiss on your lips.



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