Minor acceptance

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16 Sugawara x reader: Minor acceptance

I don't know HAIKYUU nor do I own the image this Fanfiction is 100% mine.

[A/n: I think I have a unacceptful mom complex, also this is going to be long.]


You were currently laying down with Suga's chin resting on your tummy.

"Are you okay? You seemed to be in pain for a bit, while we were engaging in our usual coitus." Although he was being silly you know, you being in any type of pain is a serious matter to him.

"Where do you get these words from seriously?" you try dodging the bullet but it only hits you in the shoulder.

"I have a lot of old English and technical English dictionaries but that's not the main focus right now.I don't like to see you hurting, and I'm very serious when it comes to you tell me if something is going on please." he had on his angelic face and you just couldn't lie to the Mama crow.

"ImissedmyperiodandI've beenhavingcrampsandI'vebeenthrowingupalot
lately. Idon'tthinkI'mpregnantthoughsopleasedon'tleaveme!" you say in one large breath. Sugawara chuckles and gets up to lay beside you and pull you into his arms.

"Say it slower so I'll be able to hear you." he chuckles and kisses your forehead. You knew he heard you because he worked with the Hyperactive Karasuno duo[Noya and Hinata.]every single day so he understood most forms of gibberish, he just wanted to verify your statement.

"I missed my period and I've been having cramps and I've been throwing up a lot lately. I don't think I'm pregnant though so please don't leave me." you blush and try to turn away from him but he keeps you still and pinned under his gaze.

"...I don't know how to react." he sighs and runs his fingers through your hair, "I hope you're not pregnant but I wouldn't dream of leaving your side if you were." you blush madly and try to turn around but he peppers your face with kisses until your mom calls and ask what you want for dinner.

"Hmm, can you make me some Mapo doufu and steamed rice?" She doesn't reply but you know she's going to make it.

"That's my favorite, what are you up to?"

"Rewarding you ~" You chuckle while pulling him in for another sweet kiss.


<<<Sugawara's P.O.V>>>>

Today we were running outside in health. [F/n] was running a bit slower than usual and that worried me. Truthfully, I've been worried about her every since she said she missed her period. I'm not a big fan of her and her period since it causes her a lot of pain but I am really grateful when it comes, especially since I can be a bit forgetful sometimes. [Insert sweat drop]

"[F/n],maybe you should sit down for a bit." I try to convince her as I fall back with her but she's stubborn as a mule.

"I can't, my grade in P.E is slipping!" She tries, but I only laugh."

"You're always going to have low marks in P.E, you are lazy!" I tease her and she gets really angry, but it's a cute angry.

"You're a volleyball player of course you're in ten times of a better shape than me!" She yells at me but I only continue to laugh.

"Kōshi..." She suddenly says my name in this ominous tone and then collapses...


We were waiting in the room with [F/n] when the doctor came in. I stood up and bowed to him and he nodded his head as if to acknowledge my thankfulness.

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