Break up to make up

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9 Sugawara x reader: break up to make up

Hinata: Magnolia-senpai doesn't own us!

Daichi: Nor does she own the Image

Tobio: but the fan fiction is hers

Questions, comments,concerns, critiques please


"Suga-senpai, are you okay?" Hinata asked the mama crow, as he wasn't offering up the usual advice and tips.

"Yeah. I'm just exhausted." he muttered, wiping his sweaty forehead with a towel.

"I'm sure when [L/n]-chan comes he'll resume behaving normal."Daichi reassured Hinata.

"[F/n] won't be coming this time." he clenched his fist tightly until his knuckles began to turn ashen grey.

"Huh? What happened?"

"[F/n] and I broke up." When he uttered those words he felt his heart clench and die. He was empty. No longer a mother crow instead a flightless crow with a forever broken wing.


"Just go talk to her Kōshi, she doesn't look to be doing so well either." she looked as zombified as Suga, maybe even worse. Suga nodded slowly and got up and started making his way towards her. When she caught notice of his stride toward her, her eyes lit up.

"[L/n]-chan are we still on for tonight?" Hirro, the class rebel, asked. You looked up at Suga hoping to tell him -with your eyes- that this was some type of sick joke, but he ignored you and went to go talk to a group of volleyball girls. You felt tears prick at your eyes and you struggled to keep them from falling. Maybe this break up was for the best?

Suddenly, you got up from your seat and ran out of the classroom. Suga looked up at you, concern written all of his face. If Hiro is your new boyfriend why didn't he go after you? He obviously isn't the best choice for you, the best choice for you was him! No one deserved you, no one was worthy of you, no one but him. Without making a bigger scene, he calmly escorted himself out of the classroom.

"[F/n] I'm going to come in,even though this is the girls lounge." he told you. You probably couldn't hear him over your incoherent sobbing. He bravely entered the lounge, where he found you loudly sobbing on a love seat.

"Oh my beautiful dame, why art thou spilling such sorrows, when thou has such a beautiful face when it is not struck with such ungodly tears." you looked up at the male who was spitting such Shakespearean nonsense to you.

"Kōshi..." you whispered.

"[F/n]...I love you." he spoke softly, while nearing you as if he was nearing a cornered animal.

"Sugar-chan, it hurts so much not being with you." You fell into his arms like you'd fallen in love with him, slowly and then all at once. He cupped your face gently and planted longing kisses on your face.

"Oh [F/n] I'll show you how much it hurts not being with you~!"



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