5 days

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2 Sugawara Kōshi x reader: 5 days

Hinata: Magnolia-senpai doesn't own us!

Daichi: Nor does she own the Image

Tobio: but the fan fiction is hers

[A/n: Since I really enjoy writing for Suga, and his personality is easy to portray I'm going to start a one shot series for him...consider compensations the first one shot in the series.... Also this chapter was inspired by Horimiya!]


"Kōshi-kun?" you call. You're laying against his chest reading the latest volume of your favorite manga.

"Yeah?" he replied, resting his chin against the top of your head and wrapping his arms around you.

"Nothing...just checking if your awake." you lied. You were going to tell him but you chickened out at the very last second.

"[F/n]-chan, I know when you're lying." you only sniffled, putting your book down away from you.

"I'm sad that you have to leave for a few days." you admitted, burying your head in his chest softly. The tears you were withholding started cascading down your cheeks, soaking your boyfriend's shirt.

"Don't be sad [F/n]-chan, I'll call you and text you everyday. Plus you have the team to keep you company!" he smiled and rocked you back and forth gently.

"You better Suga-San! Or I won't be your girlfriend anymore." you poked your lip out and turned away from Suga, arms crossed childishly.

"Okay Okay!" he snickered, "But [F/n] I'll leave you with my jacket so if you get lonely, you can wear it and imagine I'm there holding you." when those words left his mouth, a blush began painting itself on your face.

"D-Don't say it so casually, it's embarrassing!" you hear Suga laugh at you and you blush a deeper red.

"You're so cute [F/n]."


Day one

{To Kōshi: I miss you already!} you texted your grey haired boyfriend.

{From Kōshi: I haven't even left Japan yet.} you were really happy that he texted you back. So happy that you got through your day with no problems. When you got home you text Suga until you fell asleep.

{From Suga: Goodnight }

Day two

{To Kōshi: Good morning!} the text from Kōshi stopped coming as frequently, but you had the volleyball team to cheer you up and keep you from thinking about why Suga wasn't texting you. By the time you got home, you had received one text from Suga.

{From Kōshi: Good night [F/n]-chan, sorry I couldn't text you, I was really busy today.}

Day three

{To Kōshi: Good morning!} Today Suga hadn't text you at all and that really worried you. Not even the volleyball team could cheer you up or keep you from developing conspiracies about why your loving boyfriend hadn't text you. You went to sleep heartbroken that day.

Day four

You had stopped texting Suga all together now, giving up on him,nbut then remembered he had given you his volleyball jacket to wear and he'd left some of his clothes at your house. You dressed in his school uniform button-down shirt and tossed his volleyball jacket over it. You blushed lightly, you could smell the cologne Suga wears still attached to his clothes. It made you feel really warm. You went to school with a smile on your face but as soon as you stepped inside your smile faded and you felt like crying, everything reminded you of Suga.

Getting through the day was so exhausting, so when you got home you hung Suga's clothes up and went straight to sleep.

Day Five

Today Suga was supposed to return. You debated on wearing his clothes again but then decided for it. It didn't hurt to be a rebel and wear the boys' uniform shirt. You threw Suga's jacket on and rushed to school.

"[L/n]-chan seems happier today!" Hinata cheered.

"That's because Sugawara-San is returning today dumbass." Tobio replied and the two males began to fight. You only chuckled and sat on the bench to watch volleyball practice. Volleyball practice seemed to drag on forever so you got your stuff and headed to class. As you walked to class, you bumped into someone. Someone who's cologne you'd recognize anywhere.

"K-Kōshi-kun..." you whimpered,burying your head in his chest.

"Huh,[F/n]-chan, what's wrong?" he asked, wrapping his arms around you tightly.

"I-I missed you!" tears started to run down your cheeks,"And you didn't text or call or even write like you promised!"

"[F/n]-chan...." he pulled away slightly and wiped your tears with the side of his index finger, "I'm sorry." he pulled your chin up to face him and kissed you softly.

"Kōshi-kun, I will only forgive you if you take me on a date." Suga smiled and took your hand in his.

"I will take you on the best date you ever had." he swore making you giggle, "Oh the boys' shirt looks really cute on you [F/n]-chan."

"EHNNNNH! How did you know I was w-wearing your shirt!" you yelled loudly making Suga laugh.


"Huh, but I did send you text while I was gone!"

"Nuhun, let me see." Suga hands you his phone and you point out the number.

"Suga that's Dai-chan's number!"


Wattpad: http://www.wattpad.com/XxMagnoliaPetalsxX

Fan fiction Tumblr link: http://www.Fanfiction-reader-inserts.tumblr.com

Deviantart: http://www.xxblackbloodxx12.deviantart.com/

Ask blog: http://www.Ask-amk.tumblr.com

Main tumblr: http://www.the-worlds-personal-playmate.tumblr.com

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