New years!

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14 Sugawara x reader: New years!

HAIKYUU isn't mine, the image isn't mine, you should leave comments and critiques, and this fan fiction is 100% mine

All my HC's are inspired from Imaginehaikyu on tumblr. All credit goes to her if you see something that looks like she wrote, we practically have the same HC's though, .-.


You're standing hand and hand with Sugawara, in New York's time square. You can't believe it, you've made it another year being with Suga. The male you love so much even though so many things have tried to tear you to apart.


From him getting several confessions from people who are in love with him to your nudes getting posted around the school and your two brief break ups, the two of you are still together.


But the year hasn't been all bad. Suga's taken you on dates and out almost every chance he gets. You've watched him play in volleyball games and consolidated and compensated him when he's lost a big game.


You've given yourself to him completely as he has you. Sacrificing your virginity on the alter of pleasure and wholehearted trust. Trusting him with your feelings and your body was a huge step for the two of you.


A step that you were willingly to take and a step that you'll never regret. Suga is an attentive lover and he takes care of you. He regards your feelings and your pleasure over everything else, even his own needs. It doesn't matter what it is you suggest, he's up for it because he's all for making you happy.


In the mist of your thoughts, you're pulled into a tight embrace by the man that's captured your thoughts and your heart.

"What's on your mind? You should be getting ready for the new year. After all it is our last year." he pulls your cheek and you blush and look up with him.


"You." you whisper as you hear the people around you chanting the numbers loudly. It doesn't matter to you though, you and this wonderful man are the only two in the world right now. Suga pulls you tighter against his body and rest his forehead against yours.


"I love you. Please follow me to college." Suga whispers. Before you can respond 'Happy New Years!' Burst from everyone around you simultaneously. Sugawara pulls you in for a kiss as soon as everyone yells this. You're surprised at first but then you relax and wrap your arms around him, kissing him back. His arms are wrapped around your waist and it feels like you two are spinning in a ballroom by yourselves. Nothing else matters in this world.

There are tears pooling in the corners of your eyes because you know he's the <b> 1 </b> you want to spend the rest of your life with:

"I'll follow you anywhere Kōshi."...


HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS! I'm crying, one more year before I go off to college! Thank you all for following me, I greatly appreciate it! I really love you all! I hope we all start this year off on a great foot. *kisses* thank you guys soooooo much!

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