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15 Sugawara x reader: Cosset

HAIKYUU isn't mine, the image isn't mine, you should leave comments and critiques, and this fan fiction is 100% mine.


"I stayed too late again." Suga mumbles, noticing the clock on the dresser besides you. He looks down and noticed you managed to switch positions so that you're laying in the crook of his neck. He smiled lightly and ran a finger threw your hair. He really loves and treasures you. He gasped, a bit surprised when you snuggle up to him and open your eyes.

"Did I wake you?" he asked patting his neck sheepishly. You shake you head no and yawn like a hippopotamus. Suga laughs and runs his hand up and down your back, relaxing you. You purr like a kitten, no wonder Tanaka loves when Sugawara does this to him during games.

"What're you up to Sugapie?" he blushes and you look up at him eyebrows raised.

"I swear I'm not doing anything." he chuckles and nuzzles his face into your neck.

"You're the cutest." you whisper. He nods lightly and keeps his head in place. You run a finger through his grayish hair and he instantly lets a pleasures sigh escape his throat. You jump in surprise because you've never heard him make this sound before, but then again you've never really invested your fingers in his hair.

"You're head is really sensitive, huh?" a devilish smile comes to your face. One that Suga knows so well that he can hear the smile when it appears on your face.

"Don't try it [F/n]. I know every last place that makes you squeal, moan, and cry out, like the back of my hand." he warns but that doesn't stop you. You pull a few strands of his hair making him groan. You're curiosity doesn't fade there, you run a finger through his hair,scratching and running your nails throughout his scalp. When Suga takes his head away from your neck you already know you're in trouble with the mama setter.

"Kōshi Noo!" you yell as he holds you down, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry please." but it's too late, his teeth are already baring down harshly on the e-spot of your neck. You let a moan out near Suga's ear and he stops.

"Go to sleep." Suga commands, knowing this needs to stop before you two are playing around in the sheets.

"Are you leaving?" you pout, knowing its really late.

"I don't have my change out over here." he sighs, stroking your cheek.

"I still have your shirt and pants don't get dirty that easy so there's no need to wash them.

"What am I supposed to sleep in then?" he asked. You start undressing him completly and he blushes. Then you go get a pair of basketball shorts and a hoodie and hand it to him.

"Okay! I'll stay."

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