The Neighbour

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Ji Eun's POV

               School was as per normal and it was lunch time right now. "So, who's your new neighbour?" asked Eunwoo as he took a bite of his sandwich. "Don't know. They're only moving in tonight as I was told." I replied and he nodded. "I wish I was your neighbour. We could communicate with each other from our bedrooms... Or peek into your room while you're changing." he said while wriggling his eyebrows. "Eww, pervert." I said and giggled.

                Actually, I agreed with what he said. Only the first part, not the second part of course. Anyways, My bedroom's balcony is actually facing the neighbouring house's bedroom's balcony. How fun if Eunwoo was actually my neighbour. Not to mention how close the balconies actually were. It's literally 2 arms length away. Yeap, that close. You could easily just jump across from one balcony to the other and back. Well, unless you have acrophobia.

               Soon enough, school ended and the both of us were walking back home together as per normal. When we reached my house, we bid goodbye and Eunwoo continued walking. "I'm home." I said as I entered the front door. "Welcome home, sweetheart." said mum who was sitting at the sofa. I spotted a plate of cookies on the coffee table so I went over to have some. 

               "So how was school?" asked mum as I picked ate a cookie. "Nothing much." I replied. "These cookies are delicious. Did you bake them?" I asked as I was eating my 3rd cookie. "Mhmm. I gave some fruits along with these cookies to our new neighbour just a while ago." said mum. "Oh, so they moved in already?" I asked. "Mhmm. A family of 3." said mum and I nodded. "And they told me their son is your age and goes to the same school as you." added mum. "Oh really? I wonder who." I said. "Their son wasn't home when I went over so I didn't see how he looked like." said mum and I hummed a 'mhmm'. "Anyways, I'm going up to my room now with these cookies." I said as I took the plate and went up the stairs happily.

               I was currently finishing up my assignments on my desk when the lights from the room across lit up. I turned to see the curtains closed so only a shadow could be seen walking around. By the look of the shadow, I could at least be certain that a boy is using that room. Or perhaps it's just a girl with very short hair but mum did say the neighbours only has a son. Anyways, I figured I needed to close the curtains as well since I was going to sleep.

-Next day-

               It was gym class right now and my class was having a game of dodge ball. It was only 3 minutes into the game and about half of the class were out. There were only 8 left in the game but it soon got down to 2. Who were those 2? Well, none other than the almighty Wooshin and I. Yeap, I'm quite good in sports too ok, don't underestimate me.

               "Come on Wooshin! Take her out!" cheered one of the guys. Some of the guys tried distracting me but failed as my eyes was dead fixed on Wooshin's. After a while, he faked a left throw but quickly switched to the right. It was a failed fake as I got to catch the ball easily and threw it back at him. He was caught of guard but managed to catch the ball and countered it back in a swift motion. I could've dodged it but my foot decided to tangle right at that moment, tripping me and the ball hit me on the head. Yeap, ouch.

               "Better luck next time." I looked up to see Wooshin with a smirk on his face. I hissed and rolled my eyes as I looked away. "You okay?" asked Eunwoo with an arm stretched out to help me up. I took his hand and got pulled up. "I will always not be okay with that jerk." I said with a frown. Eunwoo chuckled and said, "That's not what I meant. I was referring to your head." "Oh." I said. "I'm fine. His throw wasn't that good anyways. Pfft." I added. Eunwoo chuckled as he pat my head gently.

               Time passed by quickly and school soon ended. I was walking home alone today since Eunwoo has his club meeting. So I'm currently walking home while listening to music. I was happily humming along to the song that was playing when I saw a very familiar figure walking out of the convenience store which made me stop walking. *Is that who I think it is?* I thought as I squinted my eyes to get a clearer view. *Oh damn. It is him. What's he doing here?* I narrowed my eyes as I thought but decided to brush it away and continued walking. I tried to walk faster to avoid being noticed but being the eagle eyed, he spotted me anyways.

               I saw him smirking when he spotted me but I ignored it and walked right past him only to be blocked quickly. He was standing right in front of me with a smug face. I took off one of my earpiece and frowned at him. "What do want?" I asked with an annoyed tone. "I didn't know you lived around here." he said. "Well, now you know." I said and walked around him. Then I noticed that he was walking right behind me. I turned around and frowned. "Are you like, following me?" I asked. "Excuse me. Why would I even want to follow you? My house's this way, idiot." he glared. "Whatever." I said and continued walking.

               I was nearing my house and noticed that he was still right behind me. I decided to go by the back door so I quickly took a different route. I sighed in relief to see he wasn't behind me. *So he really wasn't following me then. But if he's been living around the same area, we would've bumped into each other a few times...* I thought but shrugged it off. After having dinner, I went up to my room to do my assignments.

               After I was done with the assignments, I decided to go out to my balcony to take in some fresh air. "Haaa, this is so nice." I said as I stretched my body. The night breeze was really refreshing. *Shall head to bed now.* I thought. I was about to enter my room when I heard a very, very familiar voice. *Don't tell me...* I thought as I slowly turned around.

               "So you're my new neighbour huh. What an honour." said Wooshin with sarcasm. He smirked when he saw the shock on my face. "Hello, neighbour." he waved as his smirk grew.

               *Kill me please.*

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