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Today I had a lot of work to be done. I had been absent since weeks and now the load of work to be completed as soon as possible was on my head.

Stella my assistant has been helping me alot. But I do feel bad for her that she has to leave her work especially for me so I can get rid of the work load soon.

My almost half of it has been done but still the remaining half was left to be done and be submitted by this week. So the company's ceo could see the progress of this company till how much have they reached.

Work has kept me alot busy.. This way I could focus more on my work.

The past days were like something that I couldn't express in words. It was a turning point of my life. Thinking about it now makes me shudder.

But still there's always this one question that keeps bugging me. Did Alyaan really ever love me??. Or did he just take my love for granted and used me as a ragged doll??.

What if he really did use me like a ragged doll.. Didn't show up the day we had to run away.

The words Farrah told me when she had stopped me from running away... Were they really right about Alyaan!?.

How could I be so blinded with his fakeness that he had shown me by his love!?.

He would have by now got know about my marriage with Badr.. He would have shown himself some or the other way in the office.. But he didn't!!.

I wish I shouldnt have planned on running away with him... I wish I shouldn't have listened to him.. I wish I would have just said no to him the day he told me to run away with him... I wish I should have listened to Farrah when she had tried to warn me about this all.. I wish I shouldn't have dragged Badr in this.

Just because of me Badr is suffering from the deed that I had done.

I wish and really wish that I shouldn't have done this all...!!!.

All I could do was I wished..

Hearing stella's voice snapped me out of my daze.

Ms. Mannat have you completed the today's work.

Umm.. Umm.. Yeah I have done today's work.. Is there something else to be done.

No Ms. Mannat that's it for today...

It's almost off now you can go to your home now...

Umm.. Yeah sure...

With that Stella walked out of my office.

I got up from the chair and packed my things up and kept them in my bag.

Walking out of the room I quickly entered the lift and pressed the ground floor button.

Once reaching there I got out of the lift and made my way out of the company.

I took out my mobile to call Badr but looking at the time made me stop from calling... He might be busy at this hour.

So I quickly booked the Uber.

It came within few minutes.

Sitting in the car I rested my head on the headrest and closed my eyes.

Ma'am we are here.

Uhh... Yeah..

I payed the fare to the driver and got out of the car.

Reaching at the door step I took out the key from my purse and quickly unlocked it.

Entering in the house I went towards the bedroom.

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