Blazed - Finn - Part One

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   "He's too shy," Sophia says, shrugging as we sit on a fountain sitting in the middle of a well lit up park. Since it is dark.
   "I kinda wanna go talk to him," I say looking over at the boy as he sits at the bottom of the tree, reading the book with his glasses on.
   "He's too shy." She repeats. "He wouldn't be talking to you."
   "So?" I say standing up. "I can try."
   "Go on ahead." She buffs.
I shrug at her and start walking up to the boy.
   "Hi," I say plainly.
    He looks up confused. "Hi."
"I'm Jacy." I smile. "And you?"
"Finn." He answers, looking down at his book.
    "Can I sit?" I ask him.
He shrugs.
     I sit down next to him and look at the book he's reading.
  "Romeo and Juliet. A nice book." I point it out. He nods.
   "It's pretty good." He mumbles, staring at the book.  
   Silence takes over as I read the book.
  I look over up at him.
He's not bad looking. At all.
     He glances over at me and pressing his eyebrows together.
  Like he's trying to ask me a question.
   "Sorry." I look back down at my lap. "You're just...really good-looking."
    "T-thanks." He stutters, getting up. "I think im gonna go."
   "Wait." I stand up. "Can I have your number?"
   "I don't have a phone." He puts his backpack on.
  "I'll see you at school tomorrow then," I say. "Would you wanna sit with us at lunch?"
  He smiles. "Sure."
"See ya." I wave at him bye.
   Sophia runs up to me.
"He's sitting with us at lunch, huh?"
"Cool." She says.

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