No Tears Left To Cry - Richie - Part One

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    "Are they already playing Christmas music? It's November right now." I laugh a little, pulling out my phone.
     I go into Wattpad.
"Yes." My mom says, pulling into our driveway.
    "A plain yes." I chuckle, unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the car door.
    I hop out of the car and shut it.
"Hey, what's going on?" I hear my mom say as she walks up the porch.
  "What?" I ask, writing my Richie Tozier fanfiction as I walk up the sidewalk to the porch.
    "Oh, sorry. We're lost and don't know what to do so Bill here thought why not knock on someone's door." A girl says. 
   "How did you guys get dirty?" My mom asks them.
   I still stare at my phone, distracted, typing away.
    "We were in the sewers." Another boy says.
  "Ha! Doesn't smell like caca to me señor!" I say laughing, staring at my phone. "Get it, mom? It's from IT-" I look up and stop talking. As I notice the losers club in front of me?
   "Wait..." Richie says. "How did you know?"
  "Actually wait," I say. "How are you here? Aren't you filming? Mom, did you surprise me?"
    "No, these kids are lost." My mom says.
      "Filming what?" Stanley asks me.
   "So you're from Derry, right? And you like arcade games." I point to Richie. "And you...broke your arm. And hate germs." I say to Eddie.
  They both nod simultaneously
  "So you're real? You're the real Richard Tozier and Edward Kaspbrak? And Bill Denbrough and Beverly Marsh?" I ask.
   "Yeah, you know us? Do you go to our school?" Beverly asks me.
  "No, this is 2019. Not 1986." I say. "You guys time traveled."
   "Impossible." Richie states.
"Really? If people see you, either they're gonna think you're crazy for looking exactly like the losers club even though that's what you are or they will recognize you." I say.
   "Oh my, I have nothing to say," Beverly says.
   "Do you guys just wanna come in and change? Im sure I got you, I mean you're a girl and I got clothes. My big brother is off for College so I also got clothes for you boys." I smile.
    "Thanks," Eddie says. "I've been terrified because of im here. I don't know how to feel."
   "Same here." Ben shrugs.
"I think we all feel that way," Bill says.
    "Hey, you didn't stutter Bill," I add.
   "Mom, can you grab the clothes? I'll bring them to the living room." I ask my mom.
   She nods. "I'll be right back. What food do you kids like?"
   "Anything is fine, thank you." Stanley smiles.
    "Of course sweety." She says, walking away.
  They all turn towards me.
"So, here's the living room. Where you probably will sleep."
    "Comfy," Beverly says to my couch. "So, how do you know us?"
   "Oh, well, it's hard to explain," I say. "Basically there's a movie you guys are in a movie called IT and you all play as yourselves. It's my favorite movie, I know pretty much all the lines. Well, Richies." I point to him. "My favorite character."
  "So you all lied?" Richie asks the others. "Some girls do like me."
   "Bullshit." Beverly smiles.
"Actually no," Mike says. "He's right. She does like him."
  "Um, do you guys wanna see the movie or no? I can do it later." I say, looking at Richie because God is he cute in real life to meet.
   "Not yet, I don't think we're ready," Bill says. "This event is too terrifying already."
  "Okay," I say. "Well, im Jacy."
"Hi Jacy," Mike says sweetly.
   I smile at him.
"Do not go through my phone, especially not Wattpad," I warn them. "I will kill you."
     "Really? Why?" Beverly asks me curiously.
  "I write stories, mainly romantic stories. And it's on Richie and would recommend not to die inside because I will." I say. "So, please for my sake, don't read it."
   "Wait you write romantic stories on me? Fuck yeah!" Richie grins.
    "Ha, yeah. I used to romantically like you." I joke.
   "Still do?" Beverly asks.
I shake my head nervously. She's onto me. Jokingly.
   "Totally! Yeah." I say as a joke.
Mom, please save me.
   "So you still like Richie? Trash mouth? Richie Trash Mouth?" Beverly asks me.
   "Here's your guy's pajamas." My mom pops out of nowhere gratefully and hands them all their clothes.
   "Thank you," Stanley says. "But im fine."
   "Are you sure? Your kind of dirty?" My mom asks.
   "Yeah, I can quickly clean it up with no problem." He says.
   "Where do we change?" Mike asks my mom.
    "Upstairs. I have two bathrooms. One down here and one upstairs and I have two more bedrooms you can go into." My mom recommends.
    "Thanks!" Beverly smiles.
My mom just nods and runs back to the kitchen to cook more.
    "We'll be right back," Beverly says. "Or I will. I don't know where you guys are changing but im going in the upstairs bathroom."
   "That's fine." Eddie follows her. "I'll take the bedroom."
  Richie follows back without saying anything except a snarky comment and so does Ben but he stays quiet.
   Bill goes to the bathroom down here leaving me and Stanley as I already expected.
   "So hi." I wave awkwardly from the kitchen.
  He smiles awkwardly back.
     "So, it's pretty cool you guys are here. 2019 pretty cool. Still, 1986 was better." I shrug. "We got like Ariana Grande and dance moves that don't make any sense."
   "Wow, interesting." He says chuckling a bit. "Is she a singer?"
   "Yes, she has songs like Everyday and No Tears Left To Cry. But importantly Thank You, Next." I state. "Good songs. No joke."
      "Sing one," Stanley said.
"No, I don't have the best voice," I say laughing awkwardly.
      "Come on." He says.
"Oh fine," I say, turning on the TV.
   Mike walks in as he changed downstairs too.
    "What's up?" He says.
"She's gonna sing a song that's from a girl named Ariana," Stanely says.
   "What's it called?" Mike asks me.
"Let me see," I say, typing karaoke into the TV keyboard.
     No Tears Left To Cry is easy.
I click on it.
    "My voice is bad, warning," I say as Eddie walks in.
    "Richie's in your room," Eddie warns me.
   "Ah shit," I say.

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