Happy - Finn

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   "How much longer?" I ask my mom as she drives the car up North.
My boyfriend, Finn came along with but he doesn't know that im planning our first kiss.
    We've only been dating for three weeks.
   I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Another hour." My mom says.
   I groan.
"I wanna cuddle," I say to Finn.
   He looks at me and laughs. "You are so adorable, you know that?"
  "I know. Now, come on. I'm cold." I say.
  I lay my head on his lap as he plays with my hair.
   "Our one month anniversary is coming up." Finn smiles, looking down at me.
   "I know." I grin. "Finn, I think you have something in your eye. Come closer."
  "I do." He asks, leaning closer.
I grab his head and smash my lips onto his, his lips are soft.
   I let go and grin.
"Woah." He says. "We need to do that again."
   "Finn, you have no idea." I giggle.

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