Sweetener - Mike

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          "I'm gonna go grab water. Do you guys want anything?" El asks me and Mike as we sit on the bed.
   "I'll take water. You?" Mike asks me, looking at me.
   I shake my head. "No thanks. But thank you."
    "Okay, I'll be right back." She says, walking out the room and shutting the door.
    "It's nice to meet you. I never knew El had a sister." Mike says, surprised.
   "Yeah, I just reunited with her just last year. It was a surprise when we were gonna live together." I say.
     "She told me about you last week." He says, looking down. "She was like 'don't date her' and 'don't be all kissy like you are with me'."
   "Why would she say that?" I ask curiously.
"We are dating so." He says.
     "Oh, I never knew that." I laugh a little. "Should I scoot back?"
  "Why would you scoot back?" He asks me.
   "I don't want her to think im getting all lovey-dovey with her boyfriend," I say giggling.
   "Oh no, you're fine." He says.
"Good. Don't want her to get mad." I say scooting back.
    "You won't." He says, grabbing my hand out of nowhere.
  My heart stops and I feel shivers roll down my back.
  I look down at his hand and back up at him.
   He looks down at his hand and slowly slides it away.
  "I'm...sorry." He says, pausing.
"You're fine." I laugh nervously, itching my neck.
    The doorknob starts to turn.
    And then the door opens, showing my sister, El with two glasses of water in her hands.
   "Here you go." She says, handing it to Mike.
   My stomach starts to feel weird. As I feel I did something wrong.
  Was it wrong for Mike to hold my hand like that?
   Could she ever figure it out? Would she be mad?
   "So, what did you guys talk about?" El asks us, sitting next to Mike, holding the hand he held mine.
    "I-'' I paused. "Nothing really."
"Oh, okay. Well, I brought up some movies if you guys want to watch one." El says.
    "How about this one," Mike says, picking up a movie laid out on the bed called 'When A Stranger Calls'.
    "Okay. You put it in." She points at me. "I'll be right back with snacks."
   "Yes, ma'am," I get up off the bed and walk over to the TV.
  I pop the movie into the DVD player and stand up, turning it on.
      "There," I say, sitting back on the bed and laying my back next to Mike.
    He plays with his Supercomm, fixing something.
  "Lucas?" He asks into it. "I swear I heard him say my name."
  I shrug, looking as the movie starts.
   I lean towards the lamp and turn it off.
    "Mike, are you gonna watch the movie?" I ask looking at him.
     "Yeah, I just-" he pauses, taking out the batteries.
    I look at the movie, glancing at Mike every so often. 
  He sets the Supercomm down and looks at the movie.
    All of a sudden, I look down to see his hand snaking slowly to my hand, intertwining our hands.
   My heart jumps.
I take my hand away from his.
    "No, this isn't right," I freak out. "Im El's sister. You and she are dating."
  "What?" He asks, acting innocent. "I didn't do shit."
   "You tried to hold my hand," I say. "You're lying."
  "Hey, what's going?" El comes into the room holding popcorn.
   "Nothing," I say, scooting back from him.
   "Oh." She mumbles, shutting the door with her foot.
    "I brought popcorn." She says.
"Nice," Mike says, wrapping his arms around her as she lays down next to him.
   I get up and walk up to the door, opening it. 
  "Im going to bed. Goodnight. You too." I give a glare at Mike.
    I walk out of the room and into my room.
   I slam my door shut and sit upon my bed, letting out a deep huff.
  I'm not going near him anymore.
    The front door slams shut, leaving me to jump up confused.
    "What the hell."
I get up off my bed and run downstairs to see Dustin, Lucas, and Max. No Will.
   Then I remember, Will is busy Christmas tree shopping.
  "Hey!" I say, running down the stairs.
     "Hey, Jacy," Lucas says. "Where's El?"
    "Upstairs with Mike, probably making out." I roll my eyes.
    "Really? Gross." Dustin says.
"You've never done it, so I mean." Max shrugs.
  Dustin glares at her.
"Well, neither have I." I frown.
    "I actually did," Dustin says. "With that one girl from school, I forgot her name. It's been forever."
     "Will hasn't even kissed a girl yet," Lucas says. "Let's hook them up."
  "Ha, I like Mi-" "OH SHUT UP! I KNOW YOU LIKE MY SISTER." El screams from upstairs.
    "What the..." Lucas and Dustin say at the same time.
  I and Max run upstairs to the room to see Mike and El arguing.
    "What the fucks going on?" I ask. "Why you gotta scream like that?"
   "He said your name while we were kissing!" El shouts. "Wait...did you cheat on me with my sister?"
   My heart breaks. Why would we she think that?
   "Did you guys kiss in the room while I was away?" El asks me.
  "No, he grabbed my hand though," I say.
  Mike makes a mad and confused face.
  "No, I didn't." He says. "She's just trying to break us up."
  "No im not," I say with meaning.
Her hurt face turns into laughing.
   I stay confused.
"Jacy, I'm not actually dating him." She says.
    "Wait, what?" I ask.
"Man, why'd you gotta say that," Mike says, chuckling.
     "Say what?" I ask. "What's going on?"
  "Jacy, I've been fake dating him. He wanted to date you but he had no way since he knew you didn't like him so I dated him for a few weeks so he can make his small moves and try to win you." El says.
  "She said she liked Mike," Dustin says. "Downstairs."
   "So you guys were in on it too?" I ask, pissed.
   "Yeah," Lucas says. "So was Max."
  I huff and walk out the room and into mine, slamming the door shut.
   "Well, that went the wrong way," Max says.
  I put my ear to my door, listening.
   "What are we gonna do now?" Mike asks, worriedly.
   "Go talk to her, dude," Max says. "And maybe, try to kiss her."
   "You know what, just kiss her. When she opens the door, kiss her." Lucas says.
  "What if she doesn't... Ugh fine." Mike says.
  Mike walks up to my door and knocks.
   "Meet me in the living room in front of the fireplace," I say.
  "Oh okay." He says.
I take in a deep breath and walk over to my dresser.
  I change into a skirt because why not? And keep my shirt on.
   I walk over to my door and open it, going downstairs.
   I walk into the living room to see Mike sitting on the couch, but immediately stand up when he sees me.
   "I heard you were supposed to kiss me," I say, walking up to him.
   "You know...I don't think I should..." He pauses as I place my hand on his cheek.
    I lean up and place my lips on his, actually kissing him. Not a peck at all.
    I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
  Feeling sparks.
I let go, but he kisses me again, deepening it and lays me on the couch.
     He places his hands on my face.
   "Oh my...god." I hear from the hallway.
  Mike quickly gets off me and stands up, his face turning red.
    "I said it in a good way. But please, get a room." Max says.
    "Will do," I say, laughing a little. "Come on Mike." I grab his hand and lead him upstairs.

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