Borderline - Finn

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  "I'm going outside!" I say to my mom as I open the door to my backyard.
   I run outside and sit next to the fence, as the boy im in love with lives at the house next to me. He's never allowed out as his parents are strict and he's homeschooled.
  He sneaks out at night to the backyard.
   "Finn," I say quietly. "You there?" I look in the crack I can only see in.
   He has brown eyes. That's the only thing I know he looks like.
   "Hey." He says, looking too.
"I figured out a plan," I say. "To meet each other."
  "And kiss...we've been waiting for forever. Haven't we?" He asks me.
  I nod though he can't see me.
We've also been dating.
   "I got a few boxes to stand on," I whisper.
"Once you get down here, we're gonna finally meet." He says. "Babe, you don't understand how I wanna see you. I've only seen your eyes."
    "Finn, should I do it now?" I ask him, as the moonlight shines down.
   "Yes." He says. "We have to hurry. When you get down, we're gonna go into my treehouse."
   "Deal," I say, standing up.
I grab the boxes and stack them on top of each other one by one.
   "You have to catch me," I say quietly.
    I fix my skirt and climb up the box.
  I step on another one, almost to the top.
"I'll catch you." He says. "I promise."
    I take in a deep breath and step on the last box, placing my hands on the top of the fence to jump up.
   "Finn, ready?" I ask him.
"Yes, come on." He whispers.
    I smile, jumping up over the fence to land on top of him.
   He wraps his arms around me.
"This doesn't feel real," I say.
   "You should probably get up, you killed my back." He chuckles.
   I get up off him and wipe off my skirt.
  I look up and we make eye contact.
  The boy I've been talking to is...amazing.
   His curls are dark brown, almost black as it's a night out. He has sharp cheekbones and is tall.
    "You look...beautiful." He says under his breath.
   "Thanks." I giggle.
"Come on, I don't need to get caught." He says, grabbing my hand.
   We run up into his treehouse.
It has fairy lights all around it, with a pillow and blanket in the middle, and a tiny TV. And the mini-fridge I should add on.
    "This is nice," I say, laughing a little.
   "Yeah, I built it for you and me." He says.
    "Really?" I ask.
I sit on the blanket as he opens the fridge and takes out two cokes and hands one to me.
  "Thanks," I say as he sits across from me.
  "Anything for you." He says.
"You too," I say, punching his shoulder gently.
   "So, this is unexpected. I didn't think you'd be this...attractive." I say. "Not to be mean."
   "No, I get where you're coming from." He says. "But now you know."
    "Yeah, it's the best thing ever," I say, setting my pop down.
   "Now we get to do a couple of things, you know. What boyfriends and girlfriends do." He says.
   "Like a kiss and hold hands. I know." I say.
   "And tickling." He says, jumping on top of me, tickling my stomach.
    "Finn," I say in between laughs. "No, stop."
    "Okay, I'll stop." He let's go and separates my hair from my eyes.   
   He caresses my cheek, staring into my eyes.
   His eyes glance down at my lips.
    He slowly leans closer and collides our lips as he still caresses my cheek.
  Our lips collide on and off.
Finn was my first boyfriend, now my first kiss
  I smile into the kiss, making him smile too.
    He let's go, biting my lip as he let's go.
  "God I love you." He whispers, laying next to me.
    "I love you more," I say back to him, cuddling onto him.

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