Blazed - Finn - Part Three

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   I drop my bike and walk up to Finn's door.
   I can't wait to see him.
I knock lightly.
  I hear footsteps in heels walk up to the door and open it.
  A woman stands there with a dress on, kinda like one where you're going to a fancy restaurant.
    "How may I help you, dear? Are you here for Harry?" She asks me.
   I shake my head. "No, sorry. I'm looking for Finn."
"For Finn? Are you guys friends know. Dating?" She asks me surprised.
   "No, no. We're friends." I chuckle nervously. "I was just gonna ask him a question."
   "Okay. Finn's room is upstairs to the right, the end of the hall." She says as she shuts the door behind me.
   I smile back and walk up the stairs, up to the hallway.
   I turn right and up to Finn's door which happens to be shut.
   I knock.
"Who's there?" He calls out. "Mom, I said I don't want to go camping next week-"
   He pauses as he opens the door to see him.
  I pause too.
    His glasses are off his face, his hair is more 80's like and he's wearing a yellow shirt and jean jacket. 
  "Jacy?" He asks me. "W-what-"
"Can I talk to you for a quick second?" I ask him.
  "Yeah." He gulps opening the door a little more
   His room is very clean. His bed made, the nightstand is shiny, the floor all clean as well.
   "You have a nice room," I say as he shuts the door.
   "Thanks. You do too."
I burst out laughing.
   He's never seen my room.
"I mean just to say thanks." He says quietly as I laugh while laying on my back on his bed.
   "Oh. God.'ve never even been to my house." I say, leaning back up.
    "I-I know." He stutters leaning against his pillow.
    "Anyway," I say, scooting next to him. "Where are your glasses?"
   "In the bathroom. Didn't feel like putting them on." He shrugs.
   "You look good. With or without." I say looking at his nightstand.
     The mirror faces us and I look at him in it as he bites his lip and plays with his fingers.
  "Finn...look." I point to the mirror. "I can see you." I giggle.
He looks up and my heart sinks. Why did it sink? Because I got butterflies again. And I can't take it anymore.
    I need to get rid of them.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks trying to break the silence.
I turn my face to him and look at him.
   "What kind of movie?" I ask him.
  How about a scary one.. (Wink wink)
   "I was thinking of action." He says.
"Let's be scared," I say. "It's almost Halloween."
   "I don't know if I have any." He says.
    He gets up and walks over to the TV stand, looking under some movies.
   He grabs one. "I found The Shining."
    "Yes!" I say excitedly. "One of the best movies. Well, scary ones."
~ (Skip to the middle of the movie) ~
I shiver a little, hoping not to get Finn's attention.
    We're laying like we did before, against the walls.
  "You cold?" He asks me.
"A little." I shrug. "No problem."
   "Here." He hands me some of his blankets.
   I go under them.
As we watch the movie, my stomach gets butterflies again. How do you get rid of them? Like seriously?
   I lean a little bit to Finn and wrap my arms around his waist and lean my head on his chest.
  I feel him gulp and slowly wrap his arms around me.
     My stomach keeps erupting with butterflies.
"Oh gosh." I laugh a little. "That's so weird."
     "What is?" He asks me, looking down.
   "The part where the dude and that bunny or thing...its just...ew." I giggle, looking up at him.
   I look into his eyes as he stares into mine.
  My eyes looking from his eyes, down to his nose, down to his lips.
  My smile fades as I move up a little as we continue to look at each other.
   "I don't know how to kiss.." He quietly whispers, still looking at me. 
"Neither do I," I say, placing my hand on his cheek.
   My leg climbs over his as I slowly lean in to place my lips over his.
    His breathing hitches as our lips our centimeters apart.
   "I'm scared." He says.
"Finn, don't be. You can trust me." I say, looking in his eyes.
     "I've never been this close to a girl ever." He says nervously. "What if-"
   I interrupt him by placing my lips onto his.
   His lips feel soft. And it feels right to be doing this. It just does.
   My thumb runs over his cheek until the door opens leaving me to leave his lips.
   "Oh my!" I see Finn's brother, Harry.
   His mom comes running up the stairs and sees me and Finn close together.
    "I just caught them kissing," Harry smirks. "Little bro just got his first kiss."
    "Dude, get out," Finn says, leaning up and walking over to the door.
    Funn slams the door shut, locking it.
   "Maybe I should get going." I stand up.
    "No, im sorry." He says. "My brother is just really noisy."
   "I probably should go anyway," I say. "My mom will kill me if she doesn't see me in bed."
    "Oh." He says.
The silence comes in as I slide on my converse.
    "Would you go to homecoming with me?" I ask Finn.
   "Really?" He asks shocked.
"Yeah." I smile sweetly. "I'll see you later."
  I look over at him as I walk out his room.

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