The Light Is Coming - Mike -

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    "Max, I swear," I say as we walk to Will's house. "If Mike's there, im done."
  "He probably is." Max shrugs it off. "Why?"
  "Do you not understand how he hurts me?" I ask her as we walk down Will's driveway to his house.
    Will's mom, Joyce, sits on the patio smoking.
   "Hi, Miss. Byers!" Max waves.
"Hey girls, the boys are in Will's room."
  I open the door and walk in, shutting it behind Max.
   "I'm kind of tired, maybe I should go home," I say.
  "No, stop," Max says grabbing my arm. "You're overreacting."
   "Not if you know what he does to me." I roll my eyes, walking to his room.
   Max knocks.
The door opens revealing Dustin.
    "Oh hey!" Dustin smiles.
"Hey, Jacy," Will says, walking up to the door. "Sorry I couldn't come over yesterday."
    "You're fine." I nervously look over at Mike as he sits on the bed, looking bored out of his mind.
   I walk in after Will, sitting next to him as far away from Mike as I can.
      "We should go out in the backyard when it starts to rain," Lucas says sitting down.
  I lean against Will's nightstand.
"Why? To get soaked?" Mike asks.
      "Maybe to see the rain," I say. "Rain is pretty-" "shut up." Mike buffs.
    "Oh stop Mike. She did nothing to you." Max says.
    "Mhm." He says.
"I'm up," Will says.
    "Up for what? The rain?" I ask him.
  "Of course," Will says. "It would be fun."
   Mike rolls his eyes.
"Mike, stop rolling your eyes," Lucas says.
     "We should play truth or dare before we go out, you know?" I suggest. "It sounds fun."
   Max looks at me like im crazy. She gives me a look like 'you don't know what you're getting yourself into.'
   "Can I start?" Max asks me.
"Yeah." I nod.
    "Mike, truth or dare?" Max asks him.
   He takes in a deep breath.
      "Have you had your first kiss yet?" Max asks him.
   I look at him as he looks at the door, thinking.
"He has to think." Dustin points out.
   "Nope." Mike shrugs. "My turn."
"Lucas, truth or dare?"
    "Dare," Lucas smirks. "I'm a baddie."
    "I dare you to kiss Max," Mike says.
   "Easy. She's my girlfriend, thanks for the easy dare." Lucas says, kissing Max.
    They let go.
"Jacy, truth or dare?" Lucas asks me.
   "Truth." I shrug.
"Have you had your first kiss yet?" Lucas asks me.
"Why not? You look like you've at least kissed one boy." Will says.
    "I don't know if I should take it as a compliment or insult?" I chuckle.
   "No, it was a compliment. What im trying to say is, you have had to at least have had your first kiss. You're gorgeous, who wouldn't kiss you?" Will ask me.
"Well, for now. No one." I laugh it off.
     "Fine. My turn." Dustin says.
Mike presses his eyebrows together as if he's confused.
   "I thought it was mine," I ask.
"Jacy, truth or dare?" Dustin asks me.
   "Dare?" I say.
"Kiss Will. You guys obviously seem to like each other, let's get it over with." Dustin smirks.
   "Yes!" Max smiles. "Oh my God, you two would be the cutest."
   I turn to Will as he looks at me asking.
   "Come on, guys kiss already," Lucas says.
    I look in Will's eyes and lean forward, slowly pressing my lips onto his.
   The feeling is something I've never felt before, but it feels right to do with my best friend.
   "Oooo." Dustin grins.
"I need to pee." Mike walks out as me and Will don't let go.
   "You guys can let go now," Max says.
   I let go and lean back, smiling.
"Mike's mad." Dustin laughs.
     "Wait, why?" Will asks Dustin.
"For no reason. Probably is Jelly." Max laughs it off.
    "I'll go check on him." I stand up. "I'll be right back."
   I walk out of the room and shut the door, walking over to the closed bathroom door.
   "Mike, are you okay?" I asked, knocking lightly.
   "Sure." He says.
"Peeing doesn't take 10 minutes." I say. "Especially since your a guy."
   "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, opening the door.
    "Girls have to wipe, boys don't. Catch up with girls and boy differences." I chuckle. "Anyway, why you mad?"
   "I'm not." He says, pointing to himself.
       I stare at my hands as he looks at the ground awkwardly.
     I take in a deep breath and walk away, back to Will's room.
   I open Will's door and walk in, to see no one there. Except for Will.
    "Hey, where's everyone?" I ask him.
   "They left." He sets down his book.
   "I didn't hear them leave," I say, sitting next to him.
    "I'm happy you were my first kiss." He says. "But maybe, we should stay best friends."
   "I agree," I say, getting up.
"Where are you going?" He asks me.
   I walk towards the door. "My mom wanted me home by 9."
   I open the door. "I probably have to go."
  "Love you." Will waves at me.
"Love you too." I shut the door.
  My hand still on the knob, I take on a deep breath and turn around, walking through the kitchen.
   "Bye Miss. Byers! Thank you for having me over!" I smile as I walk past her.
   She smiles as she holds the phone to her ears.
  She waves bye.
I walk out the door and shut it, walking over to my bike laying on the grass but Mike's bike still there.
   "Thought he left." I shrug, picking up my bike.
   I sit on my bike and flip my hair back.   
   "Jacy." I hear from the door.
Mike runs out and up to me.
   "What-" he interrupts me with a simple kiss on the lips. Not expected.
   He leans back.
"I thought you hated me." I frown.
    "No, I don't." He smiles. "When you kissed Will, it hurt. Now, I have you all to myself."
   "Not really. You'd have to earn me." I chuckle, starting to ride away.
  "Hey! What? How?" He calls out, riding after me in his bike.
   "Somehow, someway."



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