Everytime - Finn

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Jacy- Heyo Jake

Jake- Hey!

Jacy- you busy?

Jake- yeah, sorry

Jacy- I understand. I was gonna see if you can face time? I've never seen your face.

Jake- sorry, my camera is still broken. Anyway, bye!

Jacy- alright, bye!

I get off my snap chat and go onto Instagram.
  I notice my favorite actor, Finn Wolfhard is going live.
    I turn on my computer and go into his live stream.
    "Hey guys, how's it going?" Finn asks us, viewers.
    Others comment on how is he going to there state or is there gonna be another season of Stranger Things.
   "Maybe there will be another season. Maybe there won't." He says, pushing his hair back.
   Drool falls down my lip.
I giggle knowing im drooling for him. Silly me.
     I turn on my phone as Finn's live stream continues.
    I message Jake again.

Jacy- Hey Jake, are you awake?
   Finn's phone vibrates as hes on life. Making me raise my eyebrow.
   "One sec." He says, pausing the live video.
   Jake is typing...

Jake- Hey, um im really busy right now and im unable to text.

I smirk.
Jacy- Oh, im gonna go watch Finn Wolfhard's live.

Jake- you know Finn?

Jacy- ofc

Jake- im watching his Livestream too.

Jacy- yeah, he needs to change his shirt.

Jake- why do you think that?

Jacy- idk

Jake- gtg!

Jacy- bye!!

    "Okay guys, im back. Had to change my shirt, heh." Finn grins.
   Jake is Finn. Mhm.
"He had to change his shirt?" I ask myself. "Interesting."
   I grab my phone and facetime him.
   Finn's phone starts to ring.
"Shit." He mumbles, declining my call. "Sorry guys."
Jacy- I know your actually Finn Wolfhard.

Jake is typing...

Jake- I'm sorry.

Jacy- so you admitted it

Jacy- I could've totally been playing with you.

Jake- Can we stay friends?.

Jacy- Yes, now add me to your Livestream.

Jake- Deal.

I grab my computer and bring it to in front of me, quickly pressing to be guested.
   "My very close friend of a few months now is gonna join the live stream," Finn says, smiling sweetly.
       The guest thing pops up, I press it quickly.
    My screen pops up.
"Hi." Finn smiles, waving at the screen.
  I keep my camera up, not showing my face.
  "Show your face," Finn asks.
"Ha, fine," I say, showing my face. "Better?"
   "Yes." He says, laughing.
"Is she my girlfriend?" Finn asks, looking at the comments. "No, she's not. I don't think she likes me though."
  "What?" I ask. "Of course I do."
"No, like romantically," Finn says.
    "I know." I grin.
"Anyways, im gonna end this live stream now. It was seeing ya! Stay safe." Finn says, ending it.
  I messed up.
I shouldn't have told him so soon.
Finn sent you a message


Finn- you're in Vancouver, right?

Jacy- yeah. I'm sorry about telling you.

Finn- meet me at the park by the mall.

Jacy- wait, really?!

Finn- see ya

My heart starts pounding knowing I get to meet the boy I've liked for some time now. We've been talking for 7 months now.
And now he's Finn Wolfhard? The best catfish ever.
   I grab my purse since im already in clothes and shoes after just getting back from the store with my mom and run outside.
   The park is just down my street.
Finn lives near me.
    I mean I know I shouldn't have...but I did tell him where I live. Kinda close. Just the park.
   I walk to the park, noticing how I keep getting closer and closer.   
   My heart starts pounding more than earlier. As I notice a tall boy, with curly hair walking into the entrance where im walking too. Not noticing me.
   My stomach doesn't feel normal.
This can't be real.
     He walks over to a bench and sits down, still on his phone.
    "Frick," I whisper.
I walk closer to the gate, trying to slide in the gate so I don't have to open as it makes loud noises.
    I successfully slide through and walk over to the bench, slowly as I can.
    His dark brown, almost black curly hair, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. He's completely and utterly perfect.    
    I've been in love with him for years. And how did I fall in love more over these last few months?
    I walk around and sit across from him.
   "Uhm..." I mumble.
We usually get so along messaging, it's awkward now.  I acted like myself as we messaged. Now, im shy and quiet.
     He looks up, his dark brown eyes meeting mine.
   My heart drops. My God.
"Hey!" He says. "Sorry I didn't notice you, heh."
   "It's fine," I mumble.
"So, about what you said on the live..." He says."I wanted to say that it's not the best idea to say that on live streams. My fans are gonna think we're dating which can ruin my career, you know?"
  I nod. So now I came here to get talked to like a child.
    "And also." He says. "I like you too. But, we can't date."
    "Totally understandable." I stand up. "It was just a phase. Heh, being like in love with a celebrity for two years, then falling in love with a guy online who actually catfished you and turns out to be the celebrity you liked for that two years."
   "Wait, two years?" He asks, following me. "You've been in love with me for two years."
  "Guess so," I say, opening the gate.
   "That's totally different than seven months." He says, grabbing my shoulder.
    I turn around. "Yeah, im aware. And it sucks to be turned down by someone you supported. Finn, I would take my life away for you."
   "That's too far." He says, pushing back his hair. "Way too far. I didn't expect that from you."
   "It's how I feel," I say. "Maybe, for our own good, we shouldn't be friends anymore."
  "No." He says, grabbing my hand.
  "Yes," I say, on the verge of tears.
I walk away from a few steps until Finn walks up behind me.
   "I said no-" I say, before being interrupted with him placing his lips on mine, hands on my face.
   My legs feel like they're gonna fall.
   I enjoy every second of this kiss until he let's go, looking in my eyes with heartbreak in them.
    "You can't leave." He whispers, his face still close to mine.
    "I won't," I say, kissing him again.



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