I need you I'm in love with you he said.
And there he had me stuck trying to be his support system and ride or die.
But had I known I was riding to die I would have never been ready to ride.
Angels devil ❤️
Angel ✨ Here I was hunched over the toilet I had been throwing up like crazy my body couldn't take anything. Looking over my shoulder I saw my dad holding my hair. You okay? Shrugging my shoulders at his response, because I didn't know if I was okay. Are you pregnant? Shaking my head no trying to stand but I felt very light headed picking me up and carrying me into the room I was staying in Sitting me back on the bed he went back into the restroom to go and get my toothbrush. I had been laying down for over Thirty minutes until I dozed off.
Feeling someone rubbing my hair is what woke me, coming to my senses Seeing that it was my moms I let my body relax as I laid my head on her. How are you feeling? "I'm feeling okay I know that I'm going through withdrawals right now". Withdrawals from what Angel? " Percocet's, but I don't want to go into full details right now I'm still trying to grasp everything". Mhmmm, I'll be back I can give you something to take for that. Getting up out the bed she left the room I decided to get up also seeing that it was three in the evening I dragged my way out of bed and made my way to the restroom Looking myself in the mirror I couldn't wait to this passed over I was looking like I was back in Chicago I cringed at that thought. Brushing my teeth and washing my face I left the restroom going into the room and out I walked downstairs and tried my best to find my way. I ran into someone in the process
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It was my seventeen little brother Alonzo, "sorry". You good how are you holding up? "Uhm I'm fine s trying to grasp everything". You will be fine I understand and I love you you were only gone for three year like college, don't worry about Adira she knows you could still get on her ass. She's upset cause she can't date now. He grabbed me giving me a hug I missed you. "I missed you too sorry" I love y'all and I'm soo sorry. It's okay Angel we all go through things. "Thank you I needed that" come on we can go down together, we made our way to the kitchen and my mom had a bowl of soup with crackers in her hand. Good your down here, uhm Alonzo go tell your father come here and you sit down and eat. Sitting down I let the food cool down before eating it and as always everything she touches is great. As I ate my dad and Alanzo came back following They mystery guy and another man. How you feeling Angel? Uhm I'm feeling better now that I'm eating this. Good. Dad I have to go to the mall for something can I use your Bentley Alonzo askedWho the fuck drives a Bentley to the mall. A fly ass nigga like me, I laughed before my mom slapped him in the mouth doing the same thing to my dad for allowing it. And no you not going to no mall in no damn car, drive your own she said. Ma I don't feel like it though, oh well I had finished with my food and was heading upstairs, well I'm headed up there for a press conference for the hat line I got coming out he can ride with me mystery man spoke. Making it to the room I got back in bed this is so boring, I needed to go shopping and get my things from back in Chicago. Hearing a knock it was my dad. Baby girl I'm giving you some money you can go and get you some things from the mall, okay but I want to start working and once I'm fully healed I would like to go and get my things from Chicago. That's fine kissing my forehead he left out. I got up once again making sure to freshen up once I was done I made my way downstairs I'm guessing they were waiting on me because as soon as I came they stood. We out my dad handed me his card your date of birth is the pin and it's yours to keep. Thank you. Making my way out side mystery guy held the back foot open for me as Alonzo sat in the front, climbing in he closed the door the drive to Manhattan mall was completely quiet. The only thing you could hear was the back ground music. When we made it to the mall, the mystery man climbed out before helping me. Uhm thank you. Max can you walk with her make sure she's safe and help her with anything she needs. "Uhm that's a little too much I'm fine". you good max make sure she's good. Rolling my eyes I let him follow me this mam was demanding much. Walking into the mall we all had went our separate ways making my way into the pink store I shopped all accessories I needed underwear spent a little over two thousand making my way around the entire mall things I knew I wasn't going to carry I ordered so that it could be delivered . Making it to the final store it was the new founded hat store. And there the mystery man was two hours later still in here. So Dave East what's next for your career? Finally got his name Dave East.