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Hearing his foot steps I now  knew that he was  fully in this room with me. Something had came over me and I was fully prepared that didn't stop me from being scared  but this was the end for me my end. Searching the entire  room from top to bottom he couldn't find me. He so damn stupid I was watching him the entire time, going on the balcony I could tell that he saw the clothes because he started screaming  FUCK FUCK FUCK STIPID ASS BITCH
He was speaking in third person I was dealing with a maniac.
Hearing his footsteps leave the room I went into the room quickly grabbing the phone and hanging up. Having only thirty minutes and I was going to make the best of it. Going crazy at that time being. I tiptoed out the room making the slightest bit of noise, his back was turned looking straight ahead at the door picking up the lamp that sat on the table. I ran he felt my presence the minute his head turned I hit him in the back of the head. Fuckkk. Blood dripped from the side of his head kicking him in both of his knee caps he fell to the floor.
I kicked him in the back with so much force he fell into the door.
Gaining some strength and slapped me making me stumble back. Standing to his feet, he ran into me with full force making up both fall into couch. Punching me spitting his blood in my face.
Why Angel? I wasn't hearing that shit I quickly flipped my body over kicking him in his face four times he let me go. Standing I took same lamp and hit him in the face again.
No tears no sorrow no pain came over me the only thing that came over me was revenge. Standing in front oof him.
Pain and violation rushed over her, I wanted him to suffer how he made her suffer. Going into the kitchen grabbing a knife vinegar and taking the bottom off the mop off carrying it back in from of him. Quickly running into the room snatching the bag of pills off the counter I didn't see him. Feeling my hair being pulled she stumbled he had his arm wrapped around my neck as he pulled at my hair, noticing a nearby wall. Quickly throwing 
out my leg, making him stumble taking advantage of him
Throwing us both in the wall, I elbowed him twice in the face. Letting me go I turned around punching him in the face pulling his hair so that his face came in contact with my knee I kept going until I heard a crack. Fed up was an understatement and adrenaline was a rush. Falling to his knees I repeat my kicked him in the face.
Auhhhhb I'm sorry, those two words send me into a shock I saw black. It didn't matter how many times I told him I was sorry, and stop it only made him go harder. Making one last powerful kick to the face his teeth had come out. Hitting the floor blood just dripped from his mouth pulling him into the kitchen. That pot of  water that was boiling for her pasta. Stepping back she poured it all over his face having a flash back.

Nooo Dontae stop I'm sorry please don't do it to me I'm sorry trying my hardest to move away from him throwing hot water in my face I screamed as my body shook. What they do hid block and his workers I started to believe that he comes home and does that to me. One of his workers got into it with an addict and that person came back with scorching hot water giving them third degree burn. Why Dontae did to me was a question I could answer. Luckily the water wasn't hot enough for me to go to the hospital. feeling like showed water I was okay with that didn't mean that it doesn't hurt.
Flashback over

Knowing that I didn't have much time I got on my knees, grabbing the bottle of vinegar. Pouring it all over his face his screams we're a pain to my ears. Open your fucking mouth, he didn't want too so roughly gripping his face I opened it pouring some vinegar in his mouth tears came from his eyes taking the pole I beat his ass with it. Each hit became harder and harder each face shot making sure to hit him in the jaw. The number of times I had been to the hospital was all in my mind the flash backs of my face number of beatings was all I could think about. Once I felt he had, enough I finally went to the gun. Finally tears came over me as I stood over this man, this was the man that I called my man. The man that I had planned on being with for the rest of my life, the man at one point in life brought some much joy, the man that I left my family for
I now realized he wasn't my man he was the devil's worshiper.
I didn't want to become a sin of god ending the life of the devil.
Killing him would be to easy for the worshiping of god so I will spare his life leaving god to punish him and teach him a lesson.
Sending two shots one in the left arm and one in the right leg. Just as I finished the police had came In but it was only one.
Mam I need you to come with me it's okay.
Sighing hard I looked at Dontae then looking at the bag of pills, grabbing them I poured them all over his body before squatting next to him that should help you numb the pain like it did me.
Get out of here mam before more come I'll clean up in here.
And you are supposed to be a police. I am a police I just work for a friend of your dads so go.
Grabbing the phone I threw a hoodie over my head as my phone rung it was Sasha.
Hello, I croaked out.
Ohh thank god.

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