I need you I'm in love with you he said.
And there he had me stuck trying to be his support system and ride or die.
But had I known I was riding to die I would have never been ready to ride.
Angels devil ❤️
Angel🌙 Landing at the airport I was finally going home a rush of disappointment came over me. Last night after everything Sasha had already sent me a car that was waiting for me by the time I had made it out. Taking me to a private airport where I was met with an army man and a pilot. How are you Captain Rheims told us to take good care of you. Just nodding my head I was helped on the plane. Getting situated, the only thing that took over me was depression and sorrow. Chunking it up I headed to sleep. Dragging my feet I didn't have anything with me not even a toothbrush to brush my teeth but that was the least of my worries right now I was nervous and scared. Making it off the plane a car was waiting for me. It took us a little over two hours we made it to this long street. At first I thought I was being kidnapped it I calmed. Myself down when I saw a house from a distance. Guards were at the gate with guns. The driver let his window down saying three words that I could really hear, letting us in the gate I was speechless. The house was so breathtaking. Uhm who's house am I at? This was the address I was given. Uhm okay thanks, getting out the car a guard was waiting on me. I had bubble guts in my stomach I wanted to run away. Mam you can knock. Knocking on the door I was afraid of who was behind the door if they knew me could they recognize me. Baby do we have any other guest was what I could hear. That soft but stern voice I knew all to well my hands were sweating and I was shaking. Swinging the door open
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There she stood in a flesh,
My Monae, omg your home she cried, ohh my god opening her arms for me my body fell into hers she held me tightly as I cried in her arms. I'm so sorry I cried. Ohhh my baby it's okay it's okay. Keeping my face in her neck as we walked. Steph baby what I told you about always wanting to help the damn needy, I'm going to chew them damn guards out they don't fucking listen, and then you sitting over here crying. Oh, hush up Angelo. baby show your face she whispered. Slowly lifting my head I looked straight into my daddy's face. Feeling a little courage making my way towards him my eyes were stuck to him like glue as his stayed on mine. Standing to his feet, meeting me halfway he embraced me. Sobbing hard I couldn't hold back any longer my body was giving up on me as I trembled in my dad's arm. I haven't hugged my father in years it felt so surreal to me. Feeling tears drip on my neck I knew that I had hurt him. Your hone. Thank you, God, for my daughter's home. Pulling away I couldn't look him in the eyes anymore, taking his index finger and thumb he lifted my hands. I love you Angel Monae. I love you too daddy I'm sorry sooooo sorry. I'll take her to go get cleaned up then she can eat and we can talk. Kissing my forehead before letting me go I love you my Angel. Love you too daddy. Making my way upstairs it was huge, na who is that and hurt up with the food we dying down there Boy sit yo ass down before you really be dead. Maaaaaa, we hungry I laughed at the whining. Maneuvering around him we made it up to a room
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This is where you'll be staying I'm pretty sure your dad's going to have somebody come and make it over to your liking. Looking around I nodded, "thank you" You are my child Angel, I know your feeling a little scared and uncomfortable because you don't know what's actually on our mind but baby your daddy and I sleep with you teddy bear Rose every night. That's because we missed you so much,if I was at home that day you wouldn't have left that house. But it's okay we all make decisions that we have to learn from. I love you baby girl always and forever. Now you can shower and I'll go get you something to wear. Making my way to the bathroom
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Very cozy, stripping out of all my clothes running some steaming hot water while I looked my self in the mirror my lip had gone down, I had no major injuries this time. Climbing into the water a long sight released from my mouth this hot water was doing so much justice to my body right now. I was relaxing until I heard a noise. Quickly washing up I saw a nearby towel on a rack, wrapping it around my body. Carefully I stepped,.4 out the tub. I walked into the room but their back was turned to me. "yo I'm not doing this shit with you Cassie, bruh we not even together though.". Heard ju, the person hung up, crazy bitch I laughed making him jump and turn around. It was the same mystery guy from Chicago. Not knowing whether to panic or stay I guess he noticed it on my face so he spoke up. "Yes you saw me in Chicago, no I'm not trying to hurt you." I uhm wasn't going to say that. Ma, you ain't have too. You look better from the last time I saw you. Uhmm ohhhh Okayy putting my head down I felt embarrassed. Feeling him hovering over me he lifted my head, it wasn't to offend you. Okay I brought you something I thought you could fit she didn't yet look up. When she did she smirked making my face go red, uhm David leave my daughter alone get out she pushed him out the door. Closing and locking the door behind her, Are you okay. Yes mam. Do you guys know each other? I saw him in Chicago one time by my best friend house. Okay get dressed so that you can eat. Once I was dressed I felt much better deciding to take a picture in the mirror I felt better looking at my self.
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Look at you, there she is you look beautiful I smiled. You still have that long hair. Let's go eat
This chapter was low key rushed especially towards the end soooo sorry guys I will go back and edit 😘💯