I need you I'm in love with you he said.
And there he had me stuck trying to be his support system and ride or die.
But had I known I was riding to die I would have never been ready to ride.
Angels devil ❤️
David ✨ Welcome to Shons Nachos eat in or to go? Eating in , great follow me, following her we made it to private area from everyone else, your waiter will be with you shortly. Thank you. Once she was out of site I looked at Angel who was also staring at me, you good? Yes David I'm fine just you know never been in that type of environment it's going take some getting used too. . "Heard Ju" Let me get this straight you made me come get you so we could eat some damn Nachos? No first you asked me and yes they are sooo good, the man who makes them is originally from New Orleans so he expanded his name and has some shops all over. Well we coulda ate some soul food for that. Hush up, you'll like it. If you say so. I'll order for you I know what you'll like. Welcome to shon Nachos May I start you of with a dink? As the waiter greeted us I kept my eyes on Angel, yes I'll take a lemonade and you can get him a water, would you like to order? Yes I'll take your shrimp with sausage and can you get him your chicken sub the pork for beef ground jalapeños on the both. Yes mam I'll get that right out. As they wrapped up their conversation Angel finally looked at me ,"you know it's rude to stare at people"? "Nah my momma said it's an insult if a woman say it's rude to stare if she's giving you something to stare at". And what might I be giving you to stare at? Your smile for starters, your Beaty, the way you don't try to be perfect, your flaws. Should I continue? She couldn't speak she just stared her hand covered her cheeks, I'm guessing due to her blushing, here's is your food this is for you and this right here is yours she sat mine in front of me and I must say it looked good. Thanks, ma she smile and walked away. Does it look good David? Yes it does I was about to dig in, until she popped my hand I was taking a picture
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Really Monae, yes Amir. Hurry up, you can eat now I dug in the shit was actually good it was spicy tho. So I'm thinking about starting my own business. On? to have like a woman's safe place and a mans Man cave. That's different, so what's holding you back? Uhm money well technically not I would just have to go to Chicago to get it. Why don't you ask your people? Well for starters I don't want no hands out or no type of help this is something I want to do on my own and secondly I have to start somewhere. I also want to move out. Why Angel, I feel as if that's best my sisters and brothers don't like me they feel as if I messed up their lives, and the move can help me focus on myself and my goals. Do you think that's something your ready to do? Uhm yes plus I have a cuddle buddy who'I'm sure will always be there. Scrunching up my face stopping myself from eating my food I looked at her hard, who? You I'm hoping, I like you David I've been back home for six months and you are my safe place and you've always been there before we ever actually got to know each other. Sitting back in my seat "Angel I'm feeling you I know what you've been through and what your still going through that's why I'm not pushing or rushing, I want you to feel comfortable with me to take that next step where ever your ready I'm ready. Leaning over she shocked the hell out of me with her next move she kissed me I ain't talking about no petty ass kiss I'm talking about she stuck her tongue in my mouth pulling her face closer I kept up with her speed, taking her arms and wrapping them around my neck I wanted her on my lap, standing to my feet I grabbed her waist pulling her over the table never letting her fall or her body connect to the table she pulled away David, you know we are in a public place. Yes I do and don't give two fucks I let her down and she went back to her seat, sitting down I stared at her "you do know that friendship shit is out the window"? Kind of figured that, just take your time with me I'm kinda fragile. "Your not fragile your just guarded and it makes you feel fragile that's your mind baby". What did you major in college you give good advice, she dug in my plate eating one of my nachos. I'm ready can we get this to go. Heard ju, getting up I pulled my sweats up before holding out my hand for her we made it to the front. May I get these two go and two more of the same. Yes sir is that all. Nah how much? $49.75 handing her a fifty she gave me my receipt and change. Placing my glasses back over her face they called our number handing us our food, letting her get in front of me and wrapping my arms around her neck we was out, "what you want to do now"?' I don't know I want sleep now. Going back to the truck she immediately fell asleep on my shoulder, pulling up to my crib getting out first I carried her inside from my balcony door i laid her on the bed while I stripped out of my clothes leaving me in my gym shorts climbing in my bed pulling her body closer to me before throwing the cover on the both of us she climbed on me snuggling her face in my neck out of instinct my hands dropped to her ass rubbing it I fell asleep.