Twenty five

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What are you thinking about? The only thing I was really thinking about was the way that man catered to my body without even trying lord take me back It was just so different he did something to my body. So how was your first time going to the studio with him? I was out eating with Sasha and Johnny and they were basically being nosy. Sipping my drink I kept my eyes elsewhere, this bitch got laid Johnny shouted. Shut up you going draw attention. Now did you get laid? No, I didn't get laid so you can stop saying it . I hear you we were all in the mall shopping and Sasha and Johnny wouldn't stop asking about my sex life.  Chile whatever, do you bitches want to go to the Chicago with me next month? What's in Chicago ? My family girl I just haven't seen my  parents in a year and I miss them hell. Well let me think on it and then get back with you I stated. Owe bitch your ass is going so think on that you have a month to prepare and get your funds together. " I guess".
We  finished walking around and shopping it was now time for me to leave and boy I was ready to go.  Making it to my parents house I grabbed my bags and went up to my room sighing hard I flopped down on the bed  laying down for five seconds.

Angel wake up  feeling someone stand over me I growled and opened my eyes. It was my mom
"Mam" come down stairs someone Is here to see you. I noticed a concern look on her face which had me alerted , "who"  just come down please . Climbing out the bed I slipped on my slippers and followed her out the room every step I took made me more anxious and my anxiety was just going up. Finally making it down the step and hitting the corner there stood Mr. and Mrs. Griffen. What the  my mouth flew open I was a lost for words and my body felt limp I blacked out and all I could here was screaming and my named being yelled.

This is lazy but I wanted to post something 🤍

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