I need you I'm in love with you he said.
And there he had me stuck trying to be his support system and ride or die.
But had I known I was riding to die I would have never been ready to ride.
Angels devil ❤️
David✨ Yo wtf you a dumb ass Nigga. Wtf was you stupid ass thinking? I'm sorry bro I'll fix this. Knocking everything off the counter FIX IT NIGGA HOW TF YOU GOING FIX THIS SHIT!! FUCK OUTTA HERE !! Yo chill we need to know what happens so we can see how we going go about this shit bully spoke. Fuck that shit bully he needs his ass whooped he can get East in a lot of fucking trouble over his clown ass shooter shot back. Hearing the door open it was Angel. Standing from the chair I met her and embraced her into a long hug which so bad I needed from her. Are you okay. Swiping a hand down my face I sighed shit I don't even know. So here what happened this Nigga Tyler got accused for sexual assault. The night we left the club two months back shit surfaced in the blogs last night my phone was blown up. and because he's with me guess who they are trying to file a lawsuit on me. I'm meeting with my attorney in a few and you better fucking be there or I swear I'm going come find yo ass myself. I had plans on chilling in the studio today with Angel but that shit turned out bad as fuck. So who is the broad Nigga? Some chick name Ashley but she wanted me to fuck I got the messages and everything she willingly let me hit she been blowing me up every since. Turning towards Angel the look on her face showed confusion. Getting up from her seat she Showed him a picture in guess of her. Her?
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Yes her matter of fact I took that damn picture. Okay this is what y'all need to do well you I didn't get your name needs to send all those pictures to David and messages you so he can show them to his lawyer you need to stay away from her at any cost and bully you need to make it mandatory for her to take a rape kit. I do know this is not your fault but you need to put out a statement. Shit you smart as hell we wouldn't be able to think of this but how you know all this? I studied prelaw for a while. Babe you need to get you a structured team set together as soon as possible. Now that you have became an independent artist you need to set some ground rules in place get some people lined up and also not mix business with personal. Shun and Bramdon are fine but everyone else gots to go or make them sign a contract this is still a business at the end of the day and you are the top artist so what they do effects you. She's right my lawyer Andy spoke up, she literally told you everything I was going to tell you
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Sup Andy man, dapping him up. Bully shooter followed suit. Tyler my man you can't stay yo ass out of trouble after all these fucking years. We all decided to do something with our life but you bruh you make us look bad. Fuck you Andy. No fuck you get the fuck out of here I'm surprised he hasn't whooped yo ass yet. Maine fuck you I said my bad. You saying my bad ain't going fix this shit you dumb as fuck bruh then you have a whole ass family at home that doesn't know her husband is the one that led to all this. And she won't find out. Sitting up in my seat "why she won't you got all my people fucked up if this is going save yo ass. Yo Tyler I'm tired of seeing you face get out bruh and get that paperwork and messages together. Bet bruh I just sent them too you. And the award for dumb ass nigga goes to Tyler Laughing he exited. We going get it cleared up. IpoooSo who is this fine lady. Back yo ass up nigga this my girl Angel this is Andy my brother and Attorney as you see nice to meet you Andy. Okay so I'm going get out of here and I'll let you know when the motion is filed until stay calm and keep handling business. Thanks . Thanks for making my job easier beautiful. Fuck out. I'm out too bully stood followed by shooter. Once they left it was just me and Angel. Climbing on my lap "what's on your mind?" "Shit this is fucked up and stressful as fuck," well don't let it stress you out, you are not alone we'll take care of it. Thanks ma. That's what I'm here for now can I get a kiss because I didn't get one when I walked in here. Licking my lips she leaned on me as I placed my lips with hers pulling her hair to the side I placed soft kisses on her neck her breathing picked up as I stood to my feet placing her on the sound board never taking my lips off of her wrapping her arms around my waist I slid my hand up her shirt as she pulled mines off. Mhmmm slowly pulling her shirt up she watched as I kissed her lips softly then I moved to her neck making sure to take my time and watch as her body shiver kissing her stomach I sat in the chair and made sure I was at eye level with her pearl sliding my right hand in her sweats she had on running butterfly kisses up her spine her soft moans escaped out making sure to take my time I slid back a little in order to remove her sweats her eyes pierced through the side of my face as I slid her blue lace panties off licking my lips at the sight just beautiful it had no bumps not all dark and it was smooth kissing her softly she was warm and wet and I couldn't stop myself throwing her legs over my shoulder I missed hearing her moan was everything I kissed her mid thigh before taking my tongue and running it up and down her flower she shivered at the reaction I kissed it once more before I fully placed my entire head in making my way uo and down her clit her moans became a high pitch I placed my thumb on the top as I liked I rubbed she started moving her body upwards which let me know she was trying to run. Pulling her back towards me I placed my index finger in before lightly biting it mhmmmm DAVID that alone just made me slip another finger in finding her g spot pushed in and out until her body started moving and I knew she was about to let go I sped my pace with her tongue and fingers twirling my tongue on her flower lightly biting it she squirted all over my face lapping up all her juices I placed kidded all the way up feeling her body shiver at the touch of my lips until I made my way to her lips I placed a slow passionate kiss on her lips as she wrapped her arm around my neck pulling me closer. I love you David