I need you I'm in love with you he said.
And there he had me stuck trying to be his support system and ride or die.
But had I known I was riding to die I would have never been ready to ride.
Angels devil ❤️
David ✨ So Dave East what's next for your career? This press conference had been two hours long and I was dead ass ready to bounce this shit is mad wack. They ask the same stupid ass questions over and over. Well, music as far as I'm concern. Is there any lucky lady? Looking at Mat my manger giving him that head nod I was done, standing to my feet Mat finished up as I made my way to the door I saw Angel. Walking towards her discreetly I tapped her shoulder gaining her attention I nodded towards the door. She followed making my way out the mall and to the truck she followed me. No words were said only because I didn't want the blogs thinking anything and running I honestly could give two fucks but considering what she's going through I'll pass. getting to the truck I let her get in first before climbing in I wanted to know a little about her so I was going to chill with her while I wait on her brother. My bodyguards got in the other truck while we talked until it was time to go. I stared at her as she looked downstairs her hands. Pulling her head up she tried her hardest not to stare at me which was kind of cute. "what's your name"? I knew it and I know she knew that I knew it, but I wanted her to formally come out and tell me. Uhm Angel. "You know my name"? Dave East. Nah you're wrong. She finally looked at me scrunching up her face and rolling her eyes, that is your name they said it back there and you answered. "Yes, ma I did answer because that's my stage name". So what's your real name if it's not Dave East? "You got to earn my real name ma I just don't give it out". Rolling her eyes that's not fair you know mine. "And you know mine". No, I know what they call you not what your mother named you. "Same thing Ms.Angel" no, it's not until you tell me I won't answer you or if I do it'll be Mystery name. Laughing cause she was dead ass serious. "So uhm how are you feeling about everything you going through ma" it's a soft spot for me right now I'm still trying to grasp it all, what were you doing in Chicago? This I said pointing to the mall? And what do you do? I'm a rapper, interesting never been around a real one. "Well, I'm honored to be the first I joked". You know this my first time hearing about you I was shielded from that world. "Damn sorry to hear that" it's a good thing that you heard it from the horse's mouth. She smiled right. "So what's next for you I don't know your story and I don't want to overstep but what's next for Ms. Angel"? Uhm I haven't yet figured that out of course I want to finish school I'm finally in my last year but I want to now go on campus. Any schools? Harvard University, "so you smart smart" I joked with her. wouldn't say that I had got accepted on a full scholarship for academics and volleyball. "So what happened"? I fell in love didn't quite know the real meaning of love, pushing her hair behind her ear love to me always meant sacrifice. "Don't beat your self up about it ma we all learn lessons, "Allah doesn't send us out to battle if he knows we can't come out winning with our head held high". Just because you win doesn't mean that you succeed. Word. The look on your face tells me your still confused Mystery name thinksabout it. The door opened and Max and her brother got in. Damn y'all done I had to get right, gotta stay fresh. Heard ju. So Ms. Angel, where your friend? I should be asking you that I miss her and you hang with her man. He on base he had to go back to the army. Well that answers your question? Oh shit she in the army too. Yes she is I miss her. "Damn I ain't know that" so how y'all met? She is the co owner of the makeup company I was an intern for. That's dope, you hungry ma? Sure, but I want to cook. You cook? Who wouldn't. Uhm a lot of people don't cook shawty, well I'm not one. Heard ju. We talked the entire way to her house.
Shooter💙💪🏾 Today at 8:59 PM
Pull up on me now.
Heard ju Delivered
I got to rap some shit to you, You need to hear this shit .
Pull up spot? Delivered
Harlem gym be ready to ball
Be ready to catch this L nigga Delivered
Heard ju 🤣
Pulling up to her place I helped her out before helping her bring all of her bags to her room. Making my way back to my truck, nice talking to you Ms. Angel I wish I could stay but I got something to handle. Mhmm nice talking to you Mystery man.
She walked off leaving me standing.
She shook her head but never turned around. Biting my lips I got in the truck, Max Harlem gym. Making it to the gym I saw shooters car, hopping out I thanked max and let him leave for the night. Going to his car i hooped in. Nigga really? Yo ass almost got shot tf you jumping in my car for? "Nigga you know what that mean is watch your surroundings". Come catch this L and shut up. We made our way inside and I had gone to go change. Coming out I saw Cassie standing there, sighing hard I kept walking. East do you see me standing here, I'm trying to talk to you. Go home Angel I'm done with you ass. So you just going make love to me then leave, stopping dead in my tracks at the sound of her saying love turning on my heels I met her pushing her up against the wall. You honestly think I made love to yo crazy ass I could never make love to you Shawty I fucked yah ass is a fucking big difference. I fucked you like a hoe. That's what you is a Hoe. You wasn't saying that years ago. Right years Ago in high school until I found out you was a hoe and after that I treated you like the fuck you were. Letting her go I stared at her go home. So you just make love to me and leave East pointing at her I had to shake my head you so fucking little minded and dumb off shit you should have stayed in school instead of trying to run after me, you so used to getting fucked like a hoe you don't know making love if a nigga made love to your dumb ass
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pushing her head with my index finger I walked a way. Dumb ass broad. Feeling her grab my arm, Cassie, I've never put my hands on you. And right about now I'm ready to deal with my momma cause it'll be worth it. I'm fucking done son you trifling and you are not the same you let the money my fucking money change you and you round here acting as you got it everything you got is mind and for me, so I suggest you get the fuck to stay the fuck away from me before you don't have that. But I love you, David, I'm sorry. Auh now I'm David I haven't been David in years always East from day one get the fuck outta here, I don't love you I don't want you so please go. Her ass finally didn't follow me I was blown I needed to go. Damn nigga, what took you so long? Let's bounce I needed a blunt shanty blew my shit. Damn you got saved out an ass-whooping let's bounce then. Man what ever.