01 | Clɑshing Wɑѵes

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He was still thinking about her. No matter how hard he tried to get rid of the beautiful memories they have spent together for the past eighteen years, out of which eight years had just gone by without her presence, he always felt that they shared a cosmic connection.

In terms of learning lessons from every good or bad chapter in his life, controlling his over the top anger, frustration when someone is about to get on his nerves with their stupidity or insensitivity and seeing and appreciating little things in life, Aditya Hooda had grown up in to a matured and sensible, handsome young man. He knew his priorities and always looked up to seeing things in a positive perspective every time. He knew that whoever he has become today, it's all because of her.

Aditya's lips quirked up in a wry smile as he plopped on to his bed, throwing his jacket away which fell on to a nearby chair and hugging the softest pillow, he kept staring in to the White ceiling. Aditya could almost hear the seconds of the Wall clock inside his room tick by as he brushed a hand through his wet hair. He had gone outside and forgotten to take an umbrella with him thus wet hair. His memory took him few years back.

She always had the urge to wipe off his hair whenever he used to come home, soaked to his feet. Aditya had a knack of irritating his best friend and getting slapped on his shoulder by her. He found it very cute when she pouted and sighed like a typical mother and dragged him with her to dry his hair up. She would first use a towel to dry the long hair of his and then hold up her dryer for a few minutes. If her ammi was home, she would have asked her to make a 'Kadha' for Aditya.

She knew that he was almost allergic to rain and had a car of his own with a driving license of course but he chose to drive his Motor bike whenever he visited her, on rainy days. Aditya till date isn't aware whether she knew that he used to ride his bike to her house with the intention of seeing her caring side towards him.

Theirs wasn't a typical 'girl meets boy meeting' where they got attracted to each other the moment their eyes met. Aditya was only eleven when he met Zoya Siddiqui. If he didn't reach his new Art class on time, he knew that he is going to miss the introduction. But his mother Anjana Hooda had a Social meeting to attend in the morning itself and he had to wait till it ends for her to come home and take him to the class.

Harshwardhan Hooda, his dad was out of town to attend a Business meeting and his younger brother Arjun Hooda was in his day care since morning. After returning home with Arjun and handing his responsibility over to the Nanny, Anjana rushed with Aditya to her car, to drop her elder son to his class on time.

Unfortunately Aditya was ten minutes late for the Art lesson thanks to the traffic on the road because of the rainy weather and he stepped out of the car with a sad smile and waved at his mother who waved back at him and drove away. Little Aditya knew that Anjana was trying to fulfill her duties towards both her sons, somehow managing her time off the busy schedule but then again, it wasn't as if he never felt bad for missing her presence when he needed a mother's love the most but he was used to suppressing his emotions, feelings since he was a kid.

He never had a problem with Arjun, heck he wasn't jealous of his younger brother instead he loved him but whenever Aditya felt alone in his own house, no one was there to console him, pacify his little heart and that was before he met her.

Little Aditya adjusted the sling bag around his shoulder and was almost running towards the class through the stones path, when out of nowhere he noticed a bicycle coming crashing towards his direction. Aditya identified the sound of the vehicle on the road before he turned to look at it but he never predicted that it was coming to attack him. His mouth opened in disbelief as he saw a little girl, maybe few years younger than him, wearing a Pink coloured helmet driving the bicycle uncontrollably.

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