09 | In My Heɑd

425 44 25

After Zoya placed a fresh candle in the middle of the dining table to brighten the kitchen, she kept the plates and cutlery facing opposite directions. She arranged two soup bowls and placed two soft dinner rolls on a plate by the side and a steaming pot of Cream of Chicken Soup in the middle of the table.

Zoya then kept a bowl carrying butter to use with the buns and a jug of water, along with two glasses. Taking a napkin from a cupboard on top, Zoya placed it by the side of Aditya's plate in case he would need one since he has been living away from India for many years and assuming mayhaps his habits have changed.

Why has Aditya remembered me now only? I hope he doesn't have second thoughts that I offered him dinner because I've accepted his apology. I must make sure to let Aditya know that I'm not going to fall in to his trap again. I've started trusting people after a long time and just because my past has come in front of me out of the blue shouldn't make me feel weak.

Zoya pondered to herself carefully as she washed her hands from the tap. As she was drying her hands Zoya heard the sound of a pair of slippers on the staircase. She cleared her throat softly and held the top railing of the chair she was supposed to be seated on firmly. Aditya turned towards the Pantry in no time and Zoya realized how fresh he looked after having a body wash and wearing Black ...again?

Zoya felt her hands getting sweaty as Aditya moved closer towards her literally and she couldn't ignore how simply dishy he looked in just a Black sweater and pants even without trying to look attractive. Aditya's long Black mane combed backwards made Zoya feel the regular pull she had often felt since the past eighteen years or to be precise, the time she started realizing that she's attracted to her best friend more than how a friend must feel about the other.

Aditya stood up tall and straight in front of the dining table as he roamed his eyes across the nicely arranged platters. Yes, there was no electricity around thanks to the wicked and stormy rain and candles were providing light but the dinner appropriately seemed as if it was an unplanned Candlelight date for two. The idea made Aditya's heart skip a beat as he realized his date for the night is Zoya.

He could already sense her anxiety without sparing a glance her way as if he knew every move of Zoya's. When she gets excited, when she's angry and when she's feeling afraid. He lifted his eyes slowly to notice how tightly Zoya was clutching the chair in front of her and Aditya tried to control the smile reaching his lips. He had been correct about her state indeed.

"Um.. Shall we start eating?"

Aditya's question made Zoya jolt out of her myriad thoughts quickly as she shook her head without looking at his face and made a movement with her hand for Aditya to have his seat. As Aditya walked towards his chair he couldn't make up his mind about one thing and he straightaway decided to ask Zoya about it.

"Don't mind me asking but why are you having dinner right now? You didn't have.. yours before?"

He knew what kind of repercussions his single question could bring about but Aditya decided to let loose since he cared about Zoya. It was a miracle itself that after refusing to bring him inside her house for hours, Zoya was kind to understand his situation and not only brought him inside her house when she's alone but also served him dinner. The least Aditya could do was ask about her health.

Zoya felt as if she was trapped inside a maze from where it felt that it's hard to escape no matter what she says or does. Reason number one being that it's her past which she has to face and number two being that the person in front of her has always been her weakness.

Zoya shook her head with uncertainty in her heart and Aditya felt something odd about her behaviour which he didn't want to buy.

"Aditya, right now more than taking interest about my dinner, it's better if you have yours. After you're done there's some coffee that I'll serve you which you can make for yourself and Crocin as well for your sneezing. You'll feel relaxed when you go to sleep.."

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