The Addams Family?

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner, but I've been sick all day :( I think it would be pretty cool for readers to have some say in the story, so let me know in the comments who you think should play our Liza and Ryan! Feel free to help me cast Shira, Max, Lacey and Bradley if you can! Thanks and on with the story! <3

I stopped by my house before going to Ryan, still sort of freaking out over what had happened at lunch. It was weird how Ryan had stood up for me when he didn't even really know me at all. Especially for a new kid, I would have thought that he'd try and integrate himself with the in crowd. Although, aside from Lacey, everyone in the popular clique seemed to like him.

I put a mini notebook, pen and my wallet in a small tote, quickly charmed my shirt clean from its long day at school and teleported downstairs and left. I managed to get to Ryan's house quickly, but was sure that I had the wrong house.

In my mind, I'd pictured an Addam's family-esque mansion, with a huge dark black cloud hovering over it. Every creepy movie I'd ever watched had culminated in my mind, from Edward Scissorhands to Dracula, and what was sitting before me contradicted those images in every way. Ryan's house was a simple split-level home complete with a manicured front lawn and an SUV in the driveway.

I made my way to the door and rang the bell, nervously biting my lip. What if they were truly dangerous and killed me on the spot? It would take nothing more than the flick of the wrist for a skilled wizard to kill me and I would be helpless to do anything. What was I thinking coming here, like a pig offering itself to the slaughter?

As I stood there hyperventilating, the door opened, revealing a woman wearing a kind expression and a very mom-like outfit: khaki capris and a pale pink sweater with sensible black flats.

"Hi, you must be Liza. I'm Ryan's mom, Sylvia." She smiled warmly at me and gestured for me to come inside. I gave her a small smile in return.

"Nice to meet you. I was supposed to be working on something for school with Ryan today," I said, and as the words left my mouth, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The home was normal: bookshelves with regular titles and decor that didn't include decapitated heads or blood.

"Hey, mom, who was at the door?" Ryan came bounding into view and when his gaze landed on me, he smirked. "Oh, hey Liza."

"Ryan, be nice to your guest. Your father and I have errands to do, so I hope I can trust you to keep the house intact, right?" She winked at me and I stifled a giggle. God, since when did I giggle?

Ryan rolled his eyes and looked at his mom fondly. "It was only one time, mom. I won't have any reason to use the toaster today." At that, I couldn't hold back the laughter that bubbled up from the image of Ryan almost burning down his house from misusing the toaster.

Sylvia gathered up her purse and jacket and closed the door behind her with a final wave at us, and Ryan grinned and started heading upstairs.

"Coming? Or do you want to stay down there?" He said sarcastically. I scowled and followed him to what I assumed was his bedroom. It looked like a regular teenage boy's bedroom, with pale blue walls, a blue flannel bedspread and a TV in one corner with a beanbag chair in front of it, as well as a brown wood desk and chair in another corner. He sat down on his bed, but I panicked at the idea of being near a bed with him on it, while we were alone without parental supervision in his house, where nobody could hear me scream...

"Are you going to just stand there like an idiot?" He was laughing at me. I must look like a complete dork. I sat on the desk chair and looked at my nails.

"Okay, so what are we supposed to be doing for this project?" I asked, still looking down. He leaned over to find the handout on his desk and read directly from it:

"For this assignment, students should interview each other and find out as much as possible about the other. Information should be compiled and presented to the class, and with it should accompany a three page paper, explaining why what you have discovered about the other person has made you think differently about them.

Then, pick a Shakesperean play and explain, in detail, which character your partner would be best suited to play and why. Do not tell your partner which play/character you've chosen, but instead allow it to be a surprise once it is being presented. This project will account for thirty percent of your grade and should be used as an opportunity for those whose grades are lower than desired to boost their overall grade."

"So, I guess we should start interviewing each other, then," I said, looking up.

"Yeah, we should start at the basics." He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and I took out my notebook and pen and we both sat, poised at the ready.

"Favorite color?"

"Favorite food?"

"Parent's jobs?"


After a while of going back and forth, I had discovered that Ryan liked the color blue, pizza, was an only child, was obsessed with video games, was good at soccer, football, swimming and playing the drums and that his mom was a teacher and his dad was a jeweler.

Ryan had learned that I was also an only child, that I liked the color blue too, and that I liked burgers, volleyball, painting, reading and that my mom stayed home while my dad owned a diner in town.

My phone rang, and I saw my father's caller ID. Putting my finger to my mouth to signal to Ryan to be quiet, I answered.

"Liza, where are you? Didn't school end a few hours ago?" He sounded annoyed.

"I had to go to a friend's house to work on something for school."

"Well, it's almost time to eat dinner, so start heading back. I'll see you soon."

"Okay, bye dad."

I hung up, and looked at Ryan, who was grinning up at me.

"So we're friends now?" Shit, I hadn't meant to imply that he was my friend. But I guessed that if I was going to find out more about him and his family, it would be better if he thought that I didn't hate him.

"Yeah, I guess so." He looked downright ecstatic and I almost took it back. Which reminded me....

"Thanks for what you did today, you know, with Lacey...." I trailed off, feeling stupid.

"Anytime," he said, a genuine smile lighting up his green eyes.

Author's Note:
I know that this was a short chapter, but as mentioned above, I was sick all day but I really wanted to give you guys something today. PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP: vote and comment!! Love you all!

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