At Least Somebody Likes Me

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Hey y'all! Finally I am posting! Check the author's note at the bottom for an announcement! Enjoy!
Also, I'd like to give a huge thank you to @callthecops for the insanely amazingly awesome new cover!!


Since I had agreed to go out with him, Ryan hadn't stopped smiling for the rest of the day. I pretended as though it was irritating me to no end, but secretly I was thrilled to pieces that I had such an effect on him. When I slid into my seat next to Annette a little while later, she smacked my shoulder.

"Bitch! How could you not have told me sooner?" She looked pissed, but I had no idea what she was talking about.


"Don't play dumb! You and Ryan Hastings!"

Oh my god. How did she know?

She chuckled at the shocked expression I was wearing. "When the hot new guy in school practically screams across campus that he wants to go out with you, people automatically go 'ho hum nothing interesting to see here.' What did you expect?"

Well, great. Now I felt like a moron. I hadn't realized that people were going to talk about me. I had never been someone that people gossiped about, probably because I was one of the most boring people in the entire school. Well, with the obvious exception of Veronica Howard, who I heard wasn't allowed to go out after school because her parents forced her to study almost 24/7.

"So.....? How was it? I cannot believe that you have two boys fighting over you!" Annette exclaimed. Two? Oh crap, Bradley! I had completely forgotten about him! I felt a pang of guilt at how quickly I'd seemed to get over my three-year crush.

"Bradley was great, but... I guess there was no spark. Like I built him up in my head, and then reality smacked me in the face." There. Finally I'd managed to put my thoughts into words.

Annette seemed slightly disappointed, but brightened at the idea of Ryan. Ryan was a whole different ballgame. I had little to no information about him. And it scared me.

By the time I made it to my next class, Annette had outlined a ton of different ideas for what Ryan was planning to do on our first date, and I breathed a sigh of relief when we parted ways when the bell rang. I loved the girl to bits, but my god, could she talk.

Ryan was sitting at his usual desk, his bag resting on the desk next to him, and when he saw me enter the room, he immediately cleared it for me to sit down. I plopped down and sighed. The stress of everything was starting to get to me. Between the boys, the newfound power and the creepy stalker wizards, I was more than a little on edge.

"Is everything okay over there?" Ryan was giving me a look full of concern, and I let out a gust of air.

"I think this is all starting to get to me a little bit," I said honestly. I didn't have to hide myself around Ryan, which was something that I was grateful for. His concerned expression changed into one of anger.

"Nobody is going to get near you, Liza. I won't let them. Don't let them scare you, okay?" His possessive attitude and obvious passion to protect me would have been hot if I wasn't already freaked out.

I nodded, trying to project an aura of assuredness, and for the rest of the lesson, I attempted to put everything out of my mind and just relax. When class ended, the class practically zoomed out of the room, including the teacher, and Ryan and I were left alone in the empty space. It was time for lunch, which I was dreading because I knew that I would see Bradley.

It wasn't fair of me to date him and then immediately agree to a date with another boy, but it wasn't like we were exclusive. I wasn't his girlfriend or anything, and we had only been on one date. My mental rant was interrupted by my stomach letting out a loud grumble.

I hadn't realized how hungry I'd gotten. Ryan laughed and I looked at him with red cheeks. He snapped his fingers and a cup formed on my desk as I finished packing up my things.

"Oh my goodness! Thanks!" I exclaimed, grabbing up the mocha Frappuccino and taking a sip, letting the slushy chocolaty liquid coat my throat.

"Let's go to lunch. I know how much you're looking forward to seeing Bradley," he said with a chuckle. I punched his arm and headed out of the room with him.

When we got to the lunchroom, Ryan excused himself to go to the bathroom, so I got on line alone. I waited on the lunch line with my eyes wide, looking around for Bradley, when my least favorite person appeared in front of me.

"You are so fucking pathetic," Lacey sneered. "You think that Bradley likes you? Please! He only wants you so that he can say that he banged the virgin geek. So I'm looking forward to watching you fall apart when he destroys you, bitch."

My mouth fell open. My eyes began to water and burn and I forced them to stay open, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of turning away and crying. Her words cut deep, but I wouldn't show her that.

"You're just jealous that he saw the kind of person you really are and ran. Nobody wants to be with someone who has a personality as shitty as yours. Stop trying to get in my way, because next time you pull something, I will make sure that you pay." I exited the lunch line and turned my back on her, walking out of the cafeteria without my food.

As soon as I was out of sight, I ran down the hallway to the library. I headed for the astronomy section, knowing that nobody would willingly go to that part of the library, and slid down to the floor, allowing the tears to spill out onto my cheeks.

I cried for what felt like an hour, but was probably only ten minutes, when my hair started to stand on end. I lifted my face out of my hands and looked around me, but saw no one. Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. I stood up and looked around but I still couldn't see a thing surrounding me. Was I going crazy?

Before I could think any further, cold hands grabbed me around my waist and another hand covered my mouth, muffling the scream that had begun. I twisted and wriggled to no avail, and all I could see was the black robes worn by my attacker.

I screamed under the person's hand, but all that came out were muffled sounds. We started moving and without further ado, we disappeared.


Hey everyone! Sorry for being so MIA this week, but I have been SOOOO busy!

Who do you think kidnapped Liza? Do you think that Ryan will be able to find her? And isn't Lacey just such a jerk? Let me know in the comments!

If anyone has a banner for My (Not So) Charmed Life, PM me because I would LOVE a banner!

UPDATE: THANK YOU SOOO SOOO MUCH TO @HazelClaireIvy for the AMAZING BANNER on the side! Seriously, I'm in love!

Also, you can follow me on Twitter @AmyShrem for updates - I usually mention when I'll be updating, and I like to give teasers for upcoming chapters.

As always, make sure to leave a VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW :)

Love you and see you soon with the next chapter!

UPDATE: because you guys are so amazing, here is a short teaser for chapter 19, which should go up tomorrow(ish):

I stared into the darkness, but no matter how hard my eyes worked, I couldn't make out a thing. But even though my eyes were just about useless right now, I was thankful for my ears, because the tip-tap of water against glass was the only sound around me.
Finally, a figure appeared out of thin air, blending into the darkness with their black cloak. I thought back to Harry Potter and the dementors, and began to shiver at the idea of never being happy again.
The figure made their way towards me and I wriggled back away from them in fear. But whereas the figure had been a few feet away a moment ago, he disappeared and then reappeared with his face just inches from my own.
A sliver of light from the window allowed me a glimpse of my captor's face and I gasped in shock. No, no it couldn't be....

Hahaha, I know, I know, I'm evil!
See you soon lovies <3

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