Strange Magic

144 10 7

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, but *ahem* I hope this makes up for it ;)

Also, to the side is a picture (not mine, it's from Tumblr) of two girls kickboxing, and the song mentioned in the chapter, called Skyway Avenue by We The Kings <3

The next day, I woke up in a rather scandalous position. By scandalous, I meant draped across the body of a boy who was shirtless, on the floor.

Apparently, Ryan had decided that it was too hot for his top last night, and took it off. Sometime during one of the movies we were watching, I fell asleep on Ryan.

We were woken up to the sound of Amicus' voice ringing through the building. "Will Liza, Tori and Ryan meet me immediately in the Conference Room?"

We all looked at each other, none of us knowing what we were being called for. "I wonder what's going on...?" said Tori. We began picking ourselves up and heading to our rooms to brush our teeth before trudging downstairs. Amicus was sitting at the head of the long table, and we took seats in the swivel chairs near him.

"This is serious business. We have indication that Petram is currently planning a sneak attack on the Times Square area in order to force us to give Liza up." I gasped, trying to take the information in. The idea that someone would attack thousands of innocent people just to get to me seemed insane. I was just a nerdy teenager. I knew that I was supposedly going to change the world or something, but truthfully? I honestly thought they mixed me up with a way cooler and more competent girl.

"We have come up with a plan of action, but in the meantime, we need you all to train hard." Ryan and Tori nodded, and I gulped. I had trained with Liza, but would I be able to hold up against trained wizards? I doubted it.

"There is, however, one more thing. Ryan, you have been trained by me in the art of telepathy, and we need to put that training to use. Liza, you have known this Sammy before, correct?" I nodded, not really seeing what that had to do with telepathy or Ryan.

"In your memories, there might possibly be something, however insignificant it may seem, that can help us pinpoint a weakness in Sammy. Finding a chink in their armor can mean winning or losing this fight against them," Amicus said grimly.

"Ryan will look inside of your mind, delving into your memories, to look for something that we can work with." I understood why this was necessary, but the idea of Ryan looking into my mind kind of freaked me out. We hadn't really spoken after our kiss, and I was struck with nerves. What was going on between us?

"Liza and Tori, you two will be training together for the next few days. Ryan, you can train alone. You are all three dismissed," Amicus commanded. We got up and started heading out, and when I saw Ryan walking towards me, I sped up and pretended not to see him. For some reason, the idea of talking to him now was abjectly terrifying.


The next few days passed by in a blur. Every morning, I would wake up, get dressed, eat some breakfast, and then spend the entire day training with Tori. Aside from water breaks and some lunch, Tori and I worked on different techniques to help me become more capable of holding my own in a fight. She showed me basic kickboxing, and had me punch the punching bag until I wanted to punch her. I was exhausted for the first day or two, and then found myself able to tolerate the long hours of hard exercise far better.

I had never been one to work out regularly, and I was more interested in getting as much sleep as humanly possible than forcing myself to go to the gym or go running every morning. By the time I managed to drag myself up to my room at the end of the day, I only had enough energy to zap myself into my pajamas and curl up in bed to watch Netflix until I passed out from exhaustion.

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