Green Is So Not Her Color

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Hey loves! Check out the Author's Note at the end for an announcement! Okay, now I'll shut up so that you can enjoy :)


I spent a lot of time sleeping over the next few days, waking up to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, and plot. Most of my ideas were impossible. Like, how did I expect to get her expelled? But I did have one pretty good idea, and I knew just who to call to ask for help.

Ryan came by every single day to hang out with me. We ended up going through most of the movies that I owned while sitting on the couch. He was the best person to have around when you were stuck home. He brought me some kind of snack every day, and they were things that he knew I'd love, like chocolate pudding or kettle-cooked barbecue chips. I didn't know how he knew what my favorite junk food was, but I wasn't exactly complaining.

 During a pause during She's the Man, I stopped the movie while Amanda Bynes' character was trying to perfect her guy voice and turned to Ryan.

"I need your help," I said seriously. He looked surprised, but interested.

"With what? Do you need me to hide someone's body? Because that didn't work out so well the last time," he said sarcastically. I laughed, and continued. 

"I had a really good idea of what I could do to get my revenge on Lacey. But it's going to take some planning."

"Well, are you going to tell me what this plan is? Out with it already!"

 I smirked evilly. This was going to be so much fun. 


Finally, I was back in school. Ryan had picked me up that morning and seemed intent on not letting me out of his sight until he deposited me at home later that day. I had practically just stepped foot in the building when three people ran and tackled me to the floor.

I fell on my ass to the ground, wincing at the lingering pain in my bones.

"Damn it, guys! I just get back and you decide to try and kill me? Once wasn't enough?"

Shira, Annette and Max hung their heads in mock shame. Ugh. My friends were so weird.

"We missed you! You need to tell us what happened," Shira exclaimed. I squirmed under their scrutiny, not knowing what to say. It wasn’t like I could tell them the truth.

“Yeah guys, I got kidnapped by my ex-best friend and almost died in the process because I’m mentioned in some super secret prophecy.” Yeah. That would go over well. 

“Everyone, chill out. She fell down some stairs and got hurt, so she had to go to the hospital to get checked out. It turned out to be more severe than she thought, so she stayed there for a while under the doctor’s orders. No big deal.”

 I turned around to find Ryan right behind me. Thank god for him, because if he hadn’t appeared just now, I don’t know what I would’ve done. 

"Well, why didn't you tell us? We were worried sick! Plus, Bradley came looking for you and I didn't know what to tell him," Shira said. I froze at the mention of Bradley, not wanting to say anything about him in front of Ryan. I knew that Ryan wasn't Bradley's biggest fan, not to mention the fact that I had agreed to go on a date with Ryan. One look at Ryan's face told me that he was insecure about Bradley being involved in my life.

"Uh, yeah, I'll try and catch him later,” I said noncommittally. Honestly, I was going to avoid Bradley like the plague. But I didn't want to say anything that would arouse questions from my friends. It would be suspicious to go from obsession with one boy to dating another over the course of a few days. 

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