Kicking Butt and Taking Names

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Hi guys! To the side is a picture of the pajamas that Liza was wearing and Pierce the Veil's song "King For a Day," featuring Kellin Quinn - it's a really good song!! Plus, the music video for it is hilarious! :)

The next morning, I woke up and was instantly disoriented. I looked around for a few seconds before the events of the day before flooded my mind. On my nightstand, there was a pale pink sticky note.

Hey Liza! I got up early to meet with amicus, but if you wake up before I get back, zap yourself something for breakfast and get comfortable around the building. You need to meet amicus in the room where you met him yesterday at 12. See you later! -Tori

I smiled and looked at my cell phone. It was only nine in the morning, so I had some time to explore. I focused on an image of a Starbucks mocha latte and a chocolate chip muffin, and they appeared in my hands a moment later. Leaning back in bed, I sipped at the warm chocolatey coffee and tried to relax for what felt like the first time in forever.

I slowly got dressed and made my way through the building, getting lost a few times in the process. At five to twelve, I made my way to the room where we had come in yesterday and saw amicus sitting calmly at the conference table alone, poring over a screen in the middle of the table.

As I approached, I realized that he was speaking to someone on the screen, and I sat down without making any noise, since I really didn't want to interrupt. Regardless, amicus looked up from his conversation, which looked pretty intense, and nodded in acknowledgement, and turned back to his screen.

"So, I'll be training with Tori?" I asked.

"Yes, the overall agreement was that you shouldn't be left completely defenseless in the event that you are stuck in the middle of a fight."

Okay, as much as I hated the fact that they were all trying to shield me from the real stuff going on, I was glad that I'd be taught to fight at least enough to be able to hopefully defend myself.

"I would suggest that you go and change into something that can move around in easily before you meet Tori in the gym," Amicus said.

I nodded and thanked him before heading back to my room. I put on a grey sports bra with a thin tee shirt and a pair of black leggings with sneakers. I made a mental note to thank Ryan for thinking ahead and packing some workout clothes for me.

I went down to the gym and saw Tori dancing to Nicki Minaj's "Anaconda," shaking her butt to the music. With a laugh, I jumped in and started shaking my butt, too. I was definitely not able to tweak, but I shook my booty like I had junk in my trunk.

When the song ended, Tori and I collapsed to the hard floor in a fit of giggles. After a few minutes of catching our breath, Tori extended her hand tome to help me up.

"Come on, we need to get our move on!"

I groaned and took her hand, lifting my lazy ass off of the floor. Tori took me through a bunch of different basic stretches, including swiveling my head and rotating my shoulders.

"I would rather you didn't pull a muscle while I'm trying to train you," she explained.

"Alright, show me your stance," she commanded. I stood with my legs apart and my fists on front of my face. Tori laughed.

"Slow down Karate Kid, you're not in a Bruce Lee movie here," she chuckled. She moved my legs and arms into a more appropriate stance so that I was standing with my left foot in front of my right foot, and my left hand in a fist guarding my face, while my right hand was curled into another fist, ready to strike.

She conjured a punching bag, which hung suspended from the ceiling of the gym, and she instructed me to punch it as hard as I could. With all of the strength I could muster, I punched directly at the middle of the punching bag, and was satisfied as it swung back from the force of my hit. The only bad thing though was the throbbing of my fist.

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