Sorry Not Sorry

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How is it possible that the days that turn out the best manage to end in the worst possible ways?

I had a perfect morning the next day. I woke up with enough time to take a slightly longer than usual shower, have a nice breakfast and make it to school without making Ryan wait forever. It was the smoothest morning I'd had in a while, considering the fact that I was usually sliding my butt onto the seat as the late bell rang.

All went smoothly for the first few periods of the day. I got back a math test and celebrated the 78 I got on it. Yes, I celebrated getting a 78. If you knew me, you'd understand that a grade in the seventies was probably the highest grade in math I had ever gotten. I even managed to get up in front of the class and present my introduction of a big paper for my history class without feeling like I was about to throw up.

But then the tide turned. I was halfway through my art class when the classroom door opened. One of the secretaries from the office ushered in a student, and for a moment or two I stared in confusion. And then it hit me.

"Please sit down Mr. Grant, and welcome to our class," my art teacher, Miss Green said warmly.

My eyes went wide and I searched for a way out. This couldn't be happening. How had he found me? Surely he couldn't kidnap me here, in broad daylight in a classroom, right?

Sammy scanned the classroom for an available seat, and to my horror, I watched as he zeroed in on the desk that remained unoccupied next to me. I shrunk down in my seat, but to no avail. He grinned as he put his black messenger bag down on the floor between our desks and sat down.

My heart palpitated wildly as I tried to deny that Sammy was actually here, in this school, sitting next to me. In any other circumstances, I would be overjoyed! Sammy Grant was my best friend in the entire world until he moved away, and having him back in my life should have been a great thing.

Too bad I was hoping that he didn’t try to kill me.



Sammy was everywhere. I mean, he literally was in every single one of my classes, something that I suspected had less to do with his academics, and more to do with his magic. He smiled at me in the hallways, smiled at me from the lunch line and smiled at me as he sat in class beside me.

This was driving Ryan insane. He couldn’t approach him, not at school with so many witnesses, but he clearly was frustrated at his inability to protect me from someone who was right next to me all day long.

During lunch, I practically couldn’t breath from the way Ryan’s fingers were digging into my wrist. His face remained impassive as he chatted mundanely with Shira and Max, but underneath the table he was cutting off my circulation. And all the while, Sammy smiled.

Finally, he approached me.

I sat at my desk in Chemistry, trying my best to ignore Sammy, who had scooted his desk right up to mine. I could feel his heat radiating off of him in waves, but kept my poker face on.

He nudged me with the eraser end of his pencil, but I ignored him.

Nudge. Nudge. Nudge. Nudge. Nudge.

I whirled around in my seat.

“What the hell do you want?” I hissed.

He smiled even wider than before.

“Well, Liza, I just want to talk.”

I had never wanted to hit someone so badly. After all he’d done, I wanted to slap that smug asshole grin off of his face. Too bad I was in a classroom full of people.

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