Stark Towers Field Trip: Part 1/3

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***Peter IS NOT Spider-Man in this mini-series.***

Peter Stark, the kid who had and could have anything and everything, though he never asked for any of it. He was humble and he was kind, the perfect criteria for getting bullied. Just because your Mum was CEO at the biggest tech company in the world and your Dad owned that company - and was Iron Man - didn't make the young Stark's life any easier. After much deliberation, it had been decided that Peter would retain Stark as his surname, in favour of something less conspicuous, because who would be stupid enough to hurt Iron Man's son, (though Pepper was an equally intimidating foe)?

Eugene 'Flash' Thompson, that's who. Peter's day had been great up until he arrived at school. Flash had made some of now staple comments, almost as soon as he'd entered the building, though his best friend Ned and girlfriend, of 2 months and 4 days, MJ had helped him push through it, as they made their way to their first class of the day, Chemistry. Chemistry days were almost always better days, almost.

"Alright class," Mr Thomas said, eyes surveying the room, as everyone took their seat, "After a sudden boost in school funding to our schools Science & Technology department, our top donor Tony Stark has invited you all on a field trip to Stark Towers!"

Chaos swept the room, while Peter and Flash groaned, Flash probably because he's just found out his parents weren't the school's top donor, and Peter because he knew Flash's bullying was going to be revealed to his parents and extended family of Avengers.

"Finally, we can see that Peter is lying!" Flash yelled with a sneering smile, as he turned to Peter, "There's no way you're really a Stark!"

"Mr Thompson, I will not tolerate that sort of behaviour in my class," Mr Thomas said with a pointed stare, before moving his gaze back to the whole class, to continue explaining the trip further.

"Hope your ready Penis," Flash said as he harshly tapped Peter's left shoulder, "We'll all see you just wanna be popular."

Peter ran out of out the room after Mr Thomas handed them their permission slips, already formulating a plan.


Now, In The Penthouse Kitchen...

"Oh hey Pete, how was school?" Tony asked not looking up from his work as he tapped furiously on his STARKPad at the kitchen table.

"Yeah, it was good."

"Tony no work at the table," Pepper called out, as she walked in the room. Tony sighed before turning his STARKPad off and placing it on the side, Peter just laughed at his father's reaction. "Oh and Peter, permission slip please." His Mum continued holding out her hand. This time it was Tony's turn to laugh as Peter grumbled and handed over his slip. "Peter what's wrong, sweetie? Did something happen at school?"

"No, I just know Dad'd gonna embarrass me on the trip." That was partly true, it was also that he knew his parents were going to be killing a high school student tomorrow.

"You bet I am!" Tony laughed triumphantly, as he left the room, coffee in hand. Peter sunk further into his seat.

"Oh honey, ill try and stop him from doing so ." Pepper replied pulling her son into a hug.

"Thanks, Mum," Peter replied, before walking to his room.


Meanwhile, In A Group Chat...

SmallStark: Guys, how do I get out of the field trip tomorrow?!

JustMJ: Why?

NedWars: Ok, right, this is what you do, first don't give them the permission slip.

SmallStark: Mum already asked for it, Ned.

JustMJ: Ha!

NedWars: Oh right, that's all I had.

SmallStark: You guys are the worst!

Peter switched off his phone and groaned in frustration and acceptance, as he flopped down onto his bed.


Two Days Later, At Stark Tower...

Ned was next to Peter on the way to the trip and Ned was slowly getting tired of his friends moaning and groaning at a situation neither of them could anything about. As the coach pulled into one of the car parks, Mr Thomas checked everyone off as they ignored his warnings not to run.

"Hello, and welcome, students," a young woman at the entrance said, "My name is Charlie and I'll be your tour guide for today's Stark Towers Tour." Peter knew her well, she was the regular weekday receptionist here at the Tower. Charlie organised them into a neat queue and started handing out yellow passes.

"What are the different coloured passes for?" A student asked, obviously noticing Charlie's blue pass that hung around her neck, on a lanyard.

"It's all very mundane, and is nothing compared to what you'll be shown today, so I won't bore you by saying, all you need to know is that you need these for security reasons, don't lose them." She turned to Peter, as she handed the last pass out, "I assume, Mr Stark, that you have your pass with you?"

"Yes, Charlie."

"Good, now everyone, follow me through the scanner, where you'll be scanned by our in-house AI before you'll be permitted entrance to the rest of the building," Charlie said before passing through.

"Ms Charlie Boxen, Week-day Receptionist, Pass Rank, Blue." FRIDAY dutifully responded.

Flash, p̶u̶s̶h̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶, followed her through next and got a "Eugene Thompson, Student Tour, Pass Rank Yellow." from FRIDAY.

Everyone, especially Flash and his cronies, turned to watch as Peter walked through FRIDAY's scanner.

"Peter Stark, Permanent Resident, Pass Rank Gold. Welcome back Master Stark, Mr Stark has been informed of your arrival and wishes you a pleasant trip"

Peter mumbled his thanks to the AI, as he made his way over to MJ and Ned. "This'll be fun," he said sarcastically to Ned, while MJ took his hand in hers.


Elsewhere, In Stark Tower...
"Mr Stark, Peter has arrived at the reception," FRIDAY spoke. The Avengers, apart from Clint, were all in one of the towers many living rooms, and so they all looked up, stopping their conversions at FRIDAY's words.

"I thought he was supposed to be in school still," Bruce questioned.

"Don't worry, it's just a Field Trip," Tony said, engrossed in his STARKPad.

"Leave him be Stark," Natasha said, as she walked into the room and sat down on a nearby couch.

"I wasn't..."

"Even I can see you invited his class on this trip, to embarrass him, Stark," Steve said, looking up from his book.

"But I-"

"Leave my cousin alone, Stark," Wanda said, her stone-cold gaze fixed upon him, her trademark red tendrils, flexing and curling behind her eyes.

"Alright, alright I won't embarrass him, my god I'm glad Peter and you aren't actually related, Wanda," Tony said, raising his hands in mock surrender, before walking over to an unoccupied armchair, and resuming his STARKPad tapping.

###End of Part 1###

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