Stark Towers Field Trip: Part 3/3

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Previously In Part 2...
"He's my son, you've been bullying Peter Stark, the heir to the greatest tech conglomerate in the world."

"I- what?"

"And considering who the rest of his family are." Tony said, indicating behind him to a very angry CEO and Avengers, "I suggest you leave as fast as you can."

Flash didn't need to be told twice, bolting out the door before Tony had even finished. Peter just stood there, he didn't realise his hands were trembling until he saw his families' concerned looks, causing him to gaze downwards. He quickly stuffed them into his pockets, as they came over to him, hoping no one had seen.


Still In Showcase Theatre B...

"Why didn't you say anything Pete?"

"Because I was worried how'd you react, Dad."

"How I'd..." Tony trailed off and sighed, as Pepper took over.

"Peter, you weren't the one in the wrong here."

"I know, but if said anything, you and Dad would get involved and Flash would fine out who I really was."

Tony scoffed and looked away.

"Dad, I'm sorry."

"Look, Pete, I'm not angry at you, I'm angry it happened."

With both parents angry and sad, Natasha took it as her cue to question one of her nephews.

"Why do you think he bullied you, Peter?"

"Because I'm me, Auntie Nat," Peter admits. "I'm a nerd, and a loser, so I'm an easy target I guess."

"That's not true and you know it, cousin." Wanda spoke, sympathetically.

"We're all here for you Peter. I don't like bullies." Steve said.

Peter smiled at that, "Yeah so I've heard."

"Stark what have you been telling him?"

"Nothing but now I want to know." Tony said now laughing.

MJ turned to Peter, "You're welcome."

"No? You told him?"

"Well you weren't going to." 

" Yeah Peter, this had gone on long enough."

"How long, Peter?"

"Wow, thanks Ned." 

"How long?" Tony pressed.

"A few years." Peter said, looking down.

"Whats important is that you told us, Peter." Pepper said, after some silence. "Why don't you and friends stay for for a bit."

"I'd love to, Mrs Stark, but I have family visiting this weekend."

"That's ok Ned, and please Pepper is fine." 

Ned nodded, and turned to the theatre doors, "See you Monday Peter, MJ."

Peter and MJ said goodbye top their friend and then made their way up to Peter's room, hand in hand. 

As the Avengers began to slowly fill out if the room, Clint puled Tony aside.

"You know, if it had been one of my kids being bullied, I would have wanted nothing more than to watch the bully go through the same pain, but you just let him go."

"Trust me Barton that kid's screwed, I've got FRIDAY ruining every one of his life and career choice before he even makes them, isn't that right FRI?"

"Yes Boss."

"See Legolas, I've got this."

As they left the theatre, and walked into a elevator, Clint asked, "What about his class knowing he's a Stark?"

"We kept it secret this long, it was bound to be leaked eventually, but we'll up his security at school anyway, just encase this 'Flash' tries something."

"Does Peter know he has security, at school?"

"He's obviously knows about Happy taking and picking him up, as for the other stuff, no."

"Don't give yourself too much credit Tony, he's smarter than you." By this time the elevator had arrived on the floor of the Avengers Common Room.

"Hey watch it, Birdbrain, don't want one of arrows to explode in your face?!"

"What are two arguing about this time?" Steve asked, from an armchair.

"Clint's claiming Peter's smarter than me."

"Well I think's that obvious, he fixes our equipment after battles."

"No Capsicle, I fix your stuff."

"No you don't, after the last few battles didn't you think it was strange no ones gear broke?" Natasha asked, coming out of the kitchen.

"I, I can't believe my own son would betray me."

"OUR son, Tony." Pepper said, coming into the Common Room.

"How's 60-40? Fine. Fine, 50-50." Tony hurriedly finished, upon seeing the glare his wife was sending him.


Meanwhile, In Peter's Room...

Peter and MJ were lying on Peter's bed, just enjoying each others company.

"Thank you."

"For what?" MJ asked turning to her boyfriend.

"For telling them."

" You don't need to thank me Pete, I'm here for you, we all are."

"I know that now, or at least I understand now."

"So what you wanna do?" Peter said after a beat of silence.

"Well we've got that History test coming up, we should probably study for that." MJ said, moving to get up.

Peter pulled her back down, "No stay, we have like two weeks."

"But we should still-"

"MJ we're both, like, genius', one night off won't make a difference."

"Woah, careful there Peter, your Stark is showing." MJ said, laughing at her boyfriend pout back at her. 

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer to her, burying her face in his neck and mumbled, "Maybe one night off isn't so bad." 

Peter smirked when he heard that, he'd won this conversion, and he'd won against Flash, so he didn't need to worry about getting pushed in lockers anymore either. Life was good, and all it took was a field trip to his own home.

###End of Part 3###

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