Pride: Part 2/3

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-- Peter/Ned/MJ, (Poly!Relationship). --




Now In A Penthouse Kitchen...
"So are your friends coming this afternoon, Peter?" Pepper asked, looking up at Peter from across the table.

"Yeah, for the history project. They can still stay over right?" Peter replied, before going back to his cereal.

"Of course, and was that the one on the Cold War?"

"Thanks, and yep, we're doing it about the suffering under the various communism and capitalist regimes."

"Oh wow, that sounds very advanced."

Just then Pepper's phone began rhythmically buzzing, picking it up and scooping up the various files back into the binder, she turned to Peter.

"Sorry. It's Legal. I'll see you a bit later. Love you."

"Love you too, Mom."

Despite it being a Saturday, his Mom still worked. She was CEO, so Peter supposed it made sense she was always busy. Tony was in Pepper-mandated meetings till lunch, so he had the next 3 and bit hours for the project. Pushing himself off the stool and towards the sink, Peter's phone pinged, and he smiled. It was the unique tone for their private group chat. Setting his bowl by the sink, Peter pressed his finger against the back of his phone and unlocked it.


Now, In A Group Chat...

JustMJ: Just picked up Ned.
JustMJ: We're on our way. X

NedWars: Almost there. xx

SmallStark: Yay!!

NedWars: Excited for the project or us???

SmallStark: You two obliviously! xx

JustMJ: ...

SmallStark: But excited for the project too! xxx
SmallStark: See MJ, one kiss for you two and one for those who suffered in the Cold War.

JustMJ: 🤔 
JustMJ: Acceptable

NedWars: I don't know what that was, but MJ's Dad says we're almost here.

SmallStark: Great! See you soon. ❤️

JustMJ: ❤️

NedWars: ❤️

JustMJ Has Gone Offline

NedWars Has Gone Offline

SmallStark Has Gone Offline


Later, In Peter's Room...

Closing the door behind them, Peter laughed when Ned ran straight past him and jumped onto the two-seater at the foot of the double bed. Turning to beside him, Peter saw MJ shaking her head at their boyfriend's antics. Now Ned had gotten comfortable, he looked back at his boyfriend and girlfriend sharing a kiss. MJ broke it, as Ned spoke.

"Hey! Don't leave me out."

"I actually appreciate Peter for him and not his couch." MJ said smiling at her boyfriend's pouting.

"But MJ. It's a couch, in his room! A bedroom couch."

"What so you are only with me for the couch?" Peter said, mock-hurt, as the others sat down too - putting Peter in the middle.

"What no! Of course, I love you more, Peter." Ned clarified pulling him into a kiss.

After they broke apart, MJ spoke up, "Glad that's cleared up, but I could get used to watching my boys kissing." Peter blushed while Ned just laughed.

"Right, we should probably get started. I found some good books in the library." MJ said, opening her bag and taking out the two hardbacks, and passing them along to Ned and Peter.

"I suppose you've already read these, MJ." Ned asked, teasingly, while taking the book Peter passed him.

"I haven't actually Ned. You should never assume Ned." MJ replied, pointing her pen at him.

"Well while two fight that out, I'll go get some snacks. "

"Peter don't leave me." Ned overdramatically pleaded.

"Ned if I beat to death with this book, one I won't have someone to make notes on it while I read through it, and two I won't be able to return it. Oh, and thanks Pete." MJ smiled


Pushing his door open and dropping the various bags of chips and chocolate bars onto the bed and the three drinks on his nightstand, he looked over at his partners. MJ was laid out on the couch, with her legs in Ned's lap, reading through one of the books. Whereas Ned was furiously typing on the laptop he bought with him, that he managed to balance on top of MJ's feet in his lap. Both were far too deeply engrossed to have noticed Peter come back in, and so Peter cleared his throat. Finally looking up, both took the drinks they were handed, lemonade for MJ and a coke for Ned. They always had the same when they were round, Peter didn't have to ask.

"Thanks Peter." Ned said, after setting his drink down beside him and lifting up his laptop.

MJ moved her legs, so Peter could sit down, before laying them back across her boyfriends and allowing Ned to rest his laptop back on top of them.

"Look at what we've got so far." MJ spoke, indicating to Ned's laptop screen.

"That's good." Peter said, having finished reading through it, "But what if we said this to smoothly transfer to the next section." As he moved the laptop onto his lap and typed out what he meant.


Hours later, MJ and Peter realised that Ned wasn't joining into their discussion anymore and looking over at their boyfriend they saw he was asleep.

"So that's why."

"Maybe we should stop for the night?", Peter checked his watch, "Its 10:48pm."

"We can always continue tomorrow." MJ replied, closing Ned's laptop and setting it down next to her.

"At least he changed into his pyjamas already, I wouldn't have wanted to wake him."

MJ nodded, as she extracted her legs from under Ned, picked up her backpack and went to Peter's ensuite to change. Peter got up too and smiled down at Ned, before changing into his pyjamas and pulling out some blankets from under his bed. He was draping one over Ned when MJ can back in wearing, to Peter's horror, Spider-Man themed pyjamas.

""Like the pyjamas? Spider-Man's my hero." She asked, the last part softening Peter's reaction.

"MJ, that's really sweet."

"It's the truth." MJ replied, dropping on the couch and pulling Peter down with her. "If it makes you feel better, Ned has Spider-Man pants."


"Shush, now sleep." MJ responded, dragging the other blanket of them and snuggling into Peter's side. Already beginning to go to sleep.

Peter sighed, laid his head on Ned's shoulder and quickly drifted of as well.

- End of Part 2 -

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