Short Story II: Oscorp Field Trip

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Ship: Peter Stark & Ned Leeds & MJ

Summary: Peter's life-altering field trip to Oscorp.


Oscorp, the early pioneers in US Bioscience and Genetic Modification. Some would say it was unethical, others would say revolutionary. Tony Stark thought both, and had joked with Peter the day before about Peter stealing secrets for Stark Industries. Pepper had lightly scolded him and Peter thought it was a joke, up until his Dad slipped him an eyepiece and some prototype AR glasses. Peter handed them straight back.  

It was the day of the trip, and Peter's class were well on their way to Oscorp. Ned sat next to Peter, with MJ across the aisle opposite from, reading. Flash's comments had dies down now, compared to the start of the journey and all was calm, until Ned elbowed Peter.

"Dude, what the hell?"

"Stop staring and ask her out."

Peter played dumb, "Ask who out?"

Ned indicated over Peter's turned shoulder to MJ.

"Dude, no. She doesn't like me, she doesn't like anyone." Peter whispered-shouted back.

"How do you know, if you don't ask?"

"Can you just drop it, please Ned."

"Fine, fine." Ned conceded, holding up his hands. "So what do think we'll see, are we stealing secrets for your Dad?" Ned said, normally again.

It was Peter's turn to elbow him, "NED! No one, but you knows I'm a Stark remember, you've got to keep it down." Peter said, looking frantically round the bus. MJ was looking straight at them, but she just shrugged and delved back into her book. It was then that the bus parked and their teacher began ferrying everyone off.


They were just leaving the Robotics Department, nothing like SI's, Peter noted, as they reached the last area of their tour. The boring tour guide who Peter had forgotten the boring name of, informed them that the Genetic Modification Department was next. MJ audibly snorted and Peter do so too, internally. How could something so ethically grey ever take off? Or even work properly?

The room itself was white, like every other room, accept this room was full of glass cabinet habitats, with pipes and wiring exploding out the them. After an uninteresting and obvious speech about the room, the tour guide dismissed them explore the lab. Peter was reading about some scorpions that had fatal acidic stings, when Ned called him over. A cabinet apparently holding small red and blue spiders, had caught Ned's eye. 

As Peter got there, Ned proclaimed it empty and wandered off, leaving Peter there alone. He noticed that Ned was right, either the spiders were tiny or well camouflaged or that they'd been moved. He saw the cabinet's lid was off slightly, he thought nothing of it as he slide it back into place. Just as he was about to turn away he felt a sudden itch on his forearm and looking he saw a small red spot. He, again, thought nothing of it and went to re-join Ned and the main group.

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