Short Story V: Heir To An Empire

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Ship: Peter Stark & Tony Stark & Pepper Potts

Summary: Peter makes his SI debut to world.


Standing back up again, Tony Stark looked over his handiwork victoriously, "And that Peter, is how you tie a tie."

"Thanks, Dad."

"Though at 23, I would've thought you'd know how."

"I hardly ever wear one."

"You will after this trust me. When Pepper took over, I had to start wearing one all the time." Tony said, smiling.

Peter smiled back, but there was some obvious uneasiness about it, Tony noticed.

"Pete, you're gonna do fine. You're not taking over yet, this is just to prove you exist and sweeten the board a bit."

Before Peter could reply his mom, Pepper Potts-Stark, walked in. "Conference is in 10 minutes, are you ready?

"He's ready. Though if it were me I would've worn black not navy."

"I was asking Peter, he prefers navy blue suits, and you can't both were black."

"That told you." Peter said, to which Tony childishly stuck his tongue out at him.

Ignoring her husband, Pepper turned back to Peter, expectantly.

"Yes Mom, I'm ready."

"He's nervous."

"Thanks Dad."

"Peter, darling, it's fine to be nervous. I'd be worried if you weren't. But we've been preparing you for this since you were 16. And you've been rehearsing for this for months. You have nothing to worry about."


"Let's run through it quickly again." Pepper said to her son and husband, as they waited in the wings. "I go on, open the conference, greet the press, and then pass on to Tony and walk off." Pepper finished, giving Tony an expecting look.

"Then I talk about some company history, keep jokes to minimum, not say anything that could lower the shares and then introduce Peter."

"Which is when I come on, Dad goes off and I introduce myself. Before you two come back on, and I take 10 prearranged questions from the journalists." Peter finished.

"Perfect." Pepper said smiling, just as an assistant came over and she walked out on to the stage.


"And so it is with great pride that I welcome to the stage, my son and heir to Stark Industries, Peter Stark!" Tony concluded, clapping with the press and Peter walked out.

Walking up to the glass podium, he shook his Dad's hand who whispered a 'You got this' in Peter's ear, before leaving the stage. Taking his rehearsed spot behind the podium, the young Stark looked over the crowd.

As the applause died down, he spoke. "Good Afternoon and Welcome, I am Peter Stark. I will be leading SI into the next generation of technology, science and public welfare, as its Heir. I'll now take questions." With that, Peter pointed at the first journalist.

"Dave Minton, Daily Times. Can I ask whether you are set to take up the role of your Mother or Father?"

"Thank you Dave, I'll become Chairman of the Board, like my father. A replacement for CEO, will be decided on at the appropriate time. Next question."

Pepper and Tony watched, as Peter effortless took questions from the press. Answering with just enough detail to be an actual answer but not to revel anything too personal or professionally confidential. They smiled, their son had slipped in the role with ease, with Peter as Heir, the future of Stark Industries was in safe hands.

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