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< October >

{ Tate }

I stared at the doctor in complete shock.

"I'm what?" I stuttered.

"You're pregnant honey. Congrats" the doctor smiled.

"You're far enough along we can do an ultrasound and you can see the baby," she said. I just nodded. She smiled and had me lay down. She put the gel on and began moving the wand,

"And there's the baby. Probably about the size of a raspberry. So you're about 8 weeks or two months" she said.

I just nodded. I was too in shock for a reaction, and I think she caught on.

"Honey, are you scared?" She questioned.

"Yeah" I choked.

"It's going to be okay. Now, may I ask if the dad is around?" She spoke.

"He is. He's in a band so he's on tour right now" I told her. She nodded.

"I'm sure you two will be fine" she assured me.

"Now, here's a picture of your little one" she smiled and handed me the ultrasound picture. My eyes teared up.

"I know it's scary but you'll be okay" she assured me. I nodded as she walked me out.

I got in my car and just started to cry. I was freaking 22 years old. I was playing college and national soccer. Ashton's 25 years old. He's in a band and has a great career. How am I going to tell Ashton? How's he going to react?

I calmed myself down and drove back to the dorms on UCLA's campus. I needed my best friend, Emma. I technically live on campus but I moved in with Ashton last year. I'm on scholarship so I'm not paying for the dorm anyway.


I got to my dorm and walked in, seeing my roommate, Emma.

"How'd it go?" Emma asked. She knew where I was going and has been telling me that I may be pregnant for weeks now. As soon as those words left her mouth, I broke down. She ran to my side and brought me to my bed and we sat.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" she asked. I just nodded.

"Oh. T, it'll all be okay. You and Ashton will be fine. You two will be great parents" she told me.

"Ashton's going to hate me" I cried.

"Stop! Ashton won't hate you. He absolutely loves you. He had a role in this too ya know? He's not going to leave. He loves you a lot and he's going to love the baby the same" Emma said. I just nodded while still sobbing.

"When are you going to tell him?" Emma asked.

"I don't know. He's going to call tonight like usual" I said, calming down a little.

"Then tell him. He's gonna ask how the doctors went. You might as well just tell him. I wouldn't keep it from him" she told me. I nodded.

"You staying here or going to Ashton's?" Emma asked.

"Here" I answered.

"Okay. I will make sure you've got privacy when you talk to him" she told me. I nodded.


It was now about 7 pm and Emma went to the dining hall to eat dinner with some of our teammates. I didn't want to go. Plus I knew Ashton would be calling.

It'll All Be Okay // A.I (completed)Where stories live. Discover now