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Landyn was having a seizure

{ Tate }

"Fuck" Ashton yelled, getting Landyn off the couch and laying him on his side on the floor, away from all the furniture.

I was freaking out and so was Riley,

"Riley, go grab Daddy's phone. It's in the kitchen" Ashton told him. Riley nodded and ran off,

"When it ends, we need to take him to the hospital," Ashton told me, "But we have to let this end on its own"

Riley came back and gave Ashton his phone,

"Ri, go to your room and get a backpack and put some overnight clothes in it. You're gonna go to Uncle Calum's and Aunt Emma's while we take Landyn to the doctor" Ashton instructed as he texted Calum.

Riley went upstairs and Ashton grabbed my hand and called the hospital, putting the phone on speaker,

"Hello, this is Los Angeles Children's Hospital. How can I help?"

"Hi, my son is having a seizure" Ashton squeezed my hand as Landyn just kept shaking,

"Okay. So what you're going to do is let the episode finish then bring him in" the lady told us. Ashton let a breath out and hung up.

"Baby, go grab what Landyn will need" Ashton gently told me. He knew I was scared. I nodded and went upstairs and grabbed Landyn's diaper bag and a change of clothes. His baby blanket was already downstairs.

As soon as I had his stuff, I went and got Riley and we went downstairs where Ashton was holding Landyn who was just staring off.

"Lets get in the car. Calum should be in the driveway" Ashton stood, cradling Landyn.

Calum was waiting in the driveway, so we handed off Riley to him. Ashton put Landyn in his carseat and I slid in the back with him while Ashton drove.

Landyn held my hand in his lap. He was just blinking and looking straight forward.

"Stay awake buddy" I pushed his hair from his face,

"Mkay" he mumbled.


Ashton parked and we got out. I carried Landyn while Ashton grabbed the diaper bag and Landyn's baby blanket. I took a seat with Landyn while Ashton went up to the desk. I didn't sit long because they took us back pretty quickly.

"Good evening" the doctor walked in, "I'm Dr. Johnson"

"Ashton" Ashton shook his hand, "This is my wife Tate and this is Landyn"

"Ahh yes. Landyn. He had a seizure?"

"He did like 25 minutes ago" I answered,

"Has he been sick at all? He feels a little warm?"

"He's been sick today. The last time we checked his temperature was only like 100.2. I gave him Tylenol then he went to sleep" Ashton told the doctor as the doctor checked Landyn's temperature.

"Well his temperature is 104" the doctor told us. Ashton and I looked at each other wide-eyed,

"I need to get him in a bed and on an IV with medicine so we can get this down. It's what caused the seizure" the doctor told us, taking Landyn from my lap and laying him on the bed. They got Landyn to his diaper then put a kid's gown on him and hooked and IV to his arm- and Landyn did not like that.

Landyn fell asleep from the medicine pretty quick. Ashton and I settled on the couch, texting an update to Calum since he had Riley,

"What are we gonna do about Riley?" Ashton asked,

"I don't know. He's never done anything to get in trouble" I shrugged,

"I think he's punishing himself enough. He already feels awful. He's probably put himself in timeout at Cals" Ashton smiled.

< next morning >

We got discharged and headed home with Landyn. Calum and Emma were keeping Riley for another night while we kept an eye on Landyn. They didn't seem to find anything wrong but they went ahead and put these button things on his head. They send a direct signal back to the doctors.

Landyn was in a much better mood today. He felt better and was wanting to play.

We went up to the playroom and built a train track per Landyn's request. It was nice having this time with Landyn. Sometimes I feel like he gets put to the side because we're always running Riley places and I'm working during the day.

"So I'm thinking" Ashton whispered, sitting next to me and pulling me in his side,

"How about a family vacation?"

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