f o r t y - f o u r

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< August >

{ Ashton }

Today's plan was for me to take Riley out for the day. The past months Riley has slowly turned from happy that he had a little brother to a little mad he had one. He just doesn't understand why Mommy and Daddy have to pay closer attention to Landyn and why he can't play with his toys yet. So Tate and I figured if we maybe took him out on his own, it may help.

I walked downstairs this morning and found Riley on the couch, his sippy cup in his hand and a bowl of dry cereal on his lap. Mickey Mouse was on so he was invested in the tv,

"Morning Riles" I leaned over the back of the couch, "I'm going to go talk to Mommy then me and you are going to go do something fun," I told him. Riley just nodded and I walked down to the office,

"Hey baby" I pushed the door open. Tate turned in her chair and smiled. Landyn was sleeping in the baby rocker,

"You and Riley about to leave?" Tate asked, leaning up and kissing me,

"Yeah. I just need to get him dressed" I nodded. She nodded and I stayed for a minute.


After a bit, I took Riley up to his room to get him dressed,

"What we do?" Riley asked as he held his arms up, letting me take his clothes off,

"It's a surprise" I told him. Really what we were doing was going to this dinosaur thing that was at the fairgrounds.

Riley nodded and let me put his 'cute ass outfit', as Tate says, on. She had picked it out last night so she could have good pictures.

Then with a quick kiss to Tate, Riley and I were off.


"Dino's!" Riley yelled as I pulled into the fairgrounds. I smiled and glanced at him in the rearview mirror,

"We're gonna see lots of dino's" I told him. He was now bouncing in his seat. I parked the car and grabbed my phone, sending a text to Tate,


[ We just go here and Ri is bouncing
with excitement ]

Tate🥰: [ aww. Take pictures
please ]

[ I will. Have fun with
Landyn. I love you ]

Tate🥰: [ I love you too.
Have fun! ]


I got out of the car and got Riley out, taking his hand and leading him to the entrance. I paid to get us in and kept Riley's hand in mine as we walked around.

Riley stopped at every single dinosaur and made me take a picture to show Tate. But once we finally moved from the statue dinosaurs, we got to a sand pit where the kids could dig up these toy dinosaurs

"You can go Riley" I nudged him forward. He slowly stepped in the sand and a worker handed him a shovel and a shake tray thing. She helped him dig and shake the sand away to find the dinosaurs,

"Wook Daddy!" Riley grinned, holding the small triceratops,

"Good job Riley!" I grinned. He got out of the sand and grabbed my hand again. Once you found a dinosaur you couldn't find anymore,

"Make sure that Landyn doesn't get that. He's too little and it could hurt him" I told Riley. He nodded and dragged me towards the rides they had.

I squeezed myself into the small cart with Riley. It was funny watching all of us parents try to fit.

The ride started and Riley giggles the entire time. I was trying not to suffocate with how tight the lap bar was.

"Again! Again!" Riley cheered. I groaned but I agreed and we got back in line.

Finally, after riding that same ride over and over, we headed out but we stopped at the gift shop tent,

"You can get one thing" I told him. He nodded and grabbed my pant leg and dragged me around with him.

"I get dis?" Riley grabbed a blue stuffed triceratops. I think those might be his favorite dinosaurs,

"Of course" I smiled and grabbed it so I could pay,

"Wait! Bubby toy?" Riley pulled that puppy face on me. He didn't have to convince me though, of course I'd let him get Landyn something,

"Find Landyn one" I nodded. He immediately grabbed the same triceratops stuffed animal but this one was green.

I paid for the two toys then got Riley in the car to head home.

{ Tate }

Ashton texted me and told me that he and Riley were on the way home. Jack just got back from school and practice so I started making dinner. Landyn was in the rocker just watching me move around,

"You're a lot quieter than Riley was" I laughed, leaning down and kissing Landyn. He hardly cries at all and he sleeps almost all night. He only wakes up at midnight and usually Ashton and I are still up so it's not really a big deal.

I heard the garage door open and a few minutes later, Riley came running in with Ashton following behind. Riley hugged me tight with two stuffed dinosaurs in his hand,

"Hi buddy! Did you have fun with daddy?" I knelt down and kissed him. Ashton laughed and leaned against the counter.

"Mhm" he grinned and pulled away, running over to where Landyn was,

"Bubby, pwesent" Riley laid the stuffed green dinosaur on Landyn's lap,

"That's very sweet Riley" I grinned. He nodded then stalked off to the basement steps to go find Jack.

I turned back to the stove as Ashton came up behind me and started kissing my neck,

"Babe" I laughed and scrunched my shoulders,

"What?" Ashton smirked and kissed right below my ear,

"Babe, stop" I shrugged him off but turned around to face him and leaning up to kiss his lips,

"Wait til the kids are in bed" I winked then turned back around hearing Ashton groan,

"Fine fine. I'll just play with Landyn" he joked and went and grabbed Landyn from the rocker and went to the living room.


After dinner, the kids were in bed and Jack was down in his room, probably asleep as well. It was past midnight and I just put Landyn back down.

I finally settled in bed and curled up to Ashton who immediately started kissing me,

"Momma always needs a little attention too"

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