t w e n t y - t h r e e

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< Christmas Eve >

{ Tate }

I guess you could say Ashton and I were a little over excited for Christmas this year. It's our first Christmas as a little family and we're soaking it up. Riley's feeling ten times better too. We've barely been giving him Motrin.

Ashton was up way before me, as usual, this morning. I slowly got out of bed and put clothes on my naked body and made my way out to the living room and kitchen. My grandma and Anne were in the kitchen making breakfast, Ashton and Harry we're laying on the living room floor playing with Riley, and Lauren was sitting on the couch watching HGTV on the tv that I know Ashton put on. He loves that channel.

I walked over to the boys and leaned down to kiss Riley.

"Do I not get one?" Ashton sassed.

"Oh please, she gave you plenty last night and I'm sure you gave her just as many" Lauren smirked.

"What?" Ashton glared at her as he sat up and pulled me down on his lap.

"One, the room I'm in is right below yours. And two, Tate's neck has a big hickey on it" Lauren smirked again. My eyes widened and Ashton moved my hair to look then laughed.

"Damn. I got you good" he laughed. I was suddenly embarrassed.

"Just keep your hair down and it'll be fine" Ashton laughed and kissed my temple.

I turned in his lap and buried my head in his chest.

"Don't be embarrassed Tate. Ashton's neck is covered in them too" Harry smirked. I had to laugh a little.


My grandma and Anne called us in the kitchen and we all made our way there.

"Best part of them being here is us not having to cook" Ashton laughed as he sat Riley in his highchair.

"What's on your neck there Ash?" Anne smirked. My eyes widened.

"How about you Tate?" my grandma laughed.

"Nooo" I whined and turned to Ashton who was a red as a tomato.

"I remember the first time Tate was over in Australia and she and Ashton came downstairs for breakfast. I thought an octopus attacked her" Anne joked. My eyes widened and Ashton let out a whiny "mom".

"Hey, I'm allowed to embarrass you" Anne fought back and pushed us to sit at the table.

"You should've been in the house when he came to Tampa after they started dating" my grandma laughed making me groan.

It was nice, after the embarrassment had died down, sitting all together and eating until halfway through, I saw scrambled eggs fly past my face and Ashton groan. I turned and saw Riley throwing the eggs off his highchair tray at Ashton. Everyone was laughing but Ashton and I knew we had to stop it. We were going to have to parent now.

"Riley, stop" Ashton spoke sternly. Riley literally just looked at him, picked up the eggs, and threw them off the tray again. Ashton looked at me and tried to hold his laugh back.

"He's not even one yet and already testing you" Anne laughed.

"Riley, no!" I raised my voice slightly when he grabbed a handful again, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Momma's got the touch" I smirked at Ashton.

"Oh great" Ashton rolled his eyes.

"It's because you already let him get away with stuff. Like when he's hitting you, you just laugh and don't stop him" I smirked.

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