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{ Tate }

It was pretty late and I was in my home office doing work. I got nothing done today. Landyn didn't feel good all day so I was laying with him most of the time. Then I had to pick Riley up from school.

Ashton didn't get home until 6 so we had a late dinner, which meant late baths and late bedtime. So that's why it's 10:30 and Ashton's putting the kids to bed and I'm working.

My office door opened and Ashton walked in. I leaned back and kissed him and he motioned me up. I stood and let him sit on my chair before I sat and straddled his lap,

"Kids' okay?" I questioned,

"Yup. I gave Landyn some Tylenol before bed. He should be okay" Ashton nodded, then his tone changed,

"Can we talk baby?" He asked.

"Of course" I nodded, moving a piece of hair from his face, "What's up handsome?"

"I-I want to move. Like out of LA" he held a breathe,

"Elaborate?" I asked,

"I don't want to live in LA Tate. I don't want the kids in LA. I hate it here in the city. I just, I don't want to be here" he sighed,

"I don't want to be in LA either. But where would we move? You have to be able to get to LA easy" I ran a hand through his hair,

"Huntington Beach" he spit out, my eyes widened,

"Really?" I tilted my head,

"Tate, we love Huntington Beach. We take the kids all the time. What if we just lived there? Plus, Riley's heart doctor is now there and I just feel really uncomfortable being 45 minutes from it. If Riley had an emergency, it would take a while for them" he explained.

I leaned forward and kissed his lips,

"Then let's start looking for houses" I told him,

"Sounds good babe" Ashton smiled and pecked my lips,

"You wanna come to bed?" He asked, pulling back,

"Yeah" I sighed, even though I had stuff to do. Ashton nodded and saved all my stuff before shutting everything off and carrying me up to our room.

< next morning >

Ashton took Riley to school and Landyn was still asleep. I was on Zillow, looking at houses in Huntington Beach.

When Ashton told me he wanted to move last night, I honestly wasn't shocked. When we moved to the house we're in now, we talked about moving to Huntington Beach. We just don't like the city of Los Angeles for our kids.

I was startled when Ashton sat down next to me. I didn't even know he had come home,

"Are we positive Huntington Beach is where we want to be?" I asked.

"It's where I want. But if it's not for you, that's okay. We can look elsewhere" he smiled. I nodded and clicked back on the screen.

Tiny footsteps dragged our attention away from the IPad,

"Mommy" he cried, climbing into my lap and laying his head on my chest,

"You feel icky?" I asked pushing his hair from his face. He's way overdue for a haircut.

He nodded and gripped my shirt,

"I'll go get him some medicine" Ashton told me as he stood,

"What feels yucky?" I asked Landyn, moving him to kinda cradle him in my lap,

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