Chapter 8 SHARA IS BACK?

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Later Reign said "Look Shadow is there Why Don't you Talk to him?" and I said "I know but..I don't wanna talk.."
and She said "Why?" and I said "I think He doesn't care about me anymore.." then Reign said "No! He cares for you He doesn't wanna Break your Heart!" and I sighed "I guess.. I'll just be in the ocean.."
{Shadow's Pov}
It's been awhile since I talked to Amara..I miss her already Reign talked to me "Shadow go to Amara and Talk to her She's at the Ocean" and I said "Thanks Reign" I went to the Ocean..
{Amara's Pov}
I saw Shadow going to this direction and He said "Hey Amara" and I said "Hey Shadow.." and He said "How are you?" and I said "Good..I guess" and He said "Are you okay What's Wrong?" and I said "No..I'm having many problems.." (Time Skip) I changed the topic "So Anyways..I really hate it When People to this '-3-' to me" and He did it (-3-) I kicked him and I said "Do that again u'll pay" and He did it again (-3-) and I slapped him and he laughed "Hey! what was that for" and I said "I told you!" and He did it again (=3=) I kicked and Slapped him and He laughed "Your so cute when your mad" I blushed.

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