𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 - 𝐚. 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨

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y/n was on her way to her boyfriend, jake's house. they had been planning a date night for quite some time now and y/n was really excited. she had brought their favourite movie, The Purge, hot fries and sour patch kids.

letting herself in with the spare key he had given her, she placed her stuff on the kitchen counter and made her way up the stairs. just as she was about to open his bedroom door, she stopped in her tracks. she heard a sound coming from inside. it sounded like someone moaning.

"cheating? no he can't be, i know my boyfriend." y/n thought.

but she thought wrong. as she slowly opened the door, she saw jake hovering overtop of his ex girlfriend in his bed.

"seriously jake?" y/n yelled, startling the two in front of her.

"y/n! it's not what it looks like!" he tried to get up and put his clothes back on, but got tangled in his sheets and smacked his face on his dresser.

"how long has this been going on? actually, i don't want to hear it. we're over." slamming the door, y/n grabbed her stuff and ran back to her car, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.


y/n lay in bed by herself, watching The Purge. when she first got home, all her tears that she had been bottling in for so long finally came out.

y/n wasn't a very emotional person. she held in most of her emotions, not being very verbal about them. her relationship with jake didn't help. he was always talking down to her, but she just let it slide because he always said he would make it up to her somehow. hearing a knock at the door startled her out of her daydream.

"mom, i'm fine. you don't need to check on me every five seconds." she sighed and flipped around in her sheets so her back was facing the door.

despite her saying otherwise, her door was slowly creaked opened. "it's me." she turned and saw her best friend, alejandro standing at the door.

alex and y/n had first became friends as little kids. their parents knew each other from high school and had stayed in touch till marriage. later, the two had found out they went to the same school, and the rest is history.

quickly wiping her tears, she sat up and moved over so he could come sit. wrapping her arms around his neck as he placed his arms on his waist, she squeezed him as if she let go, he would disappear.

"i missed you." she said into his neck. she frowned when he pulled away.

"i missed you too, y/n. we barely see each other since you and jake started dating." he said.

"i know. i'm sorry. i have wanted to see you more it's just.." jake was a bit controlling during their relationship. he didn't like when y/n would hang out with other guys, so her and her friends distanced.

"y/n you don't need to explain." he grabbed her hand. "i heard what happened today."

alex had liked y/n for quite a long time now. he first felt something in eighth grade when he asked her to a school dance. at first he didn't know what it was, but not too long ago he realized he had fallen for her. little did he know she felt the same.

"yeah. i kinda figured something like this would happen." she sighed.

"it's okay, i didn't come here to have you tell me about it." alex got up and grabbed something from his backpack. "i brought some ice cream."

smiling at her best friend, y/n laid back down in bed and patted the spot next to her. "come cuddle."

climbing under the sheets with her, alex turned the movie back on and wrapped his arm around y/n's shoulders.

about halfway into the movie, tears started to slip down y/n's cheeks onto alex's hoodie. she didn't like crying in front of her friends, but she couldn't hold it in anymore. he looked down at her and wiped her tear with the pad of his thumb.

"why are you crying?" he asked softly.

"i- i feel like i'm not good enough."
y/n was now sat up, sobbing into alex's chest.

"y/n, of course you're good enough. don't say things like that." alex wished she wouldn't stay stuff like this. any guy would be lucky to have her. he just wish she would open her eyes and see what's right in front of her.

"b- but why.. why would he do it? i just don't understand." she sobbed.

"y/n. listen to me. he's not good enough for you. he never was. anybody would be grateful to have you." he confirmed.

"i'd be grateful to have you." alex thought y/n hadn't heard the last part.

y/n looked up at her friend. "you would?" y/n questioned, wiping her tears.

"you heard that, eh?" alex chuckled. "yeah i would, actually. you see y/n, i've liked you for a really long time. love, maybe. obviously the feeling isn't mutual, and i'm okay with that. but i had to let you know." he confessed, looking away from her.

y/n was shocked. never did she think her best friend would like her too. in fact, she thought he was making it quite obvious that he didn't like her.

"for how long?" she asked, curious.

"eighth grade." he laughed. "it's fine though, i get it."

"alejandro, look at me." she lightly grabbed his face, making him look her in the eyes.

slowly leaning in, she pressed her lips onto his. they were soft and plump. as their lips moved in sync, y/n felt sparks she had never felt before, especially for jake.

"you truly are an angel, alejandro."

first imagine! i honestly had no clue how to end that but i hope y'all liked it anyways. let me know who you wanna see more of!

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐋 , 𝑡𝑖𝑘𝑡𝑜𝑘 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠/𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠.Where stories live. Discover now