𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐤. 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨

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request for PLAYBOISLIM3 i hope u enjoy, i love writing about my short king <3


just another friday morning for y/n. as she walked down the hall, she spotted her friends mattia and alejandro talking in front of some lockers. but she didn't see the person she really wanted to talk to, kairi.

"hey y/n." mattia greeted her. "hey. where's kairi?" the two boys grinned at each other. they both knew kairi and y/n had a special relationship. they had both liked each other forever and everyone knew it. the thing people didn't know was the two had been secretly seeing each other for about two months.

"wouldn't you like to know?" alex teased. "oh my god alex, just tell me before the bell rings." she sighed, clearly annoyed.

y/n turned around as alex pointed behind her head. she saw something she really didn't want to see. kairi was talking with y/n's ex best friend, jessica. the two girls had been friends in middle school, until jessica decided boys were more important than their friendship.

kairi had seen y/n out of the corner of his eye, and turned to see her storm away just as the bell rang. looking towards the boys, they both shrugged their shoulders and slumped off to class.

kairi was wasn't surprised when he didn't see y/n in their homeroom that morning. he quickly raised his hand asking to go to the washroom, earning a nod from his teacher.

as he walked down the hall, he made sure no one was around and quickly slipped into the girls room.

"y/n?" he called out. he looked over to see her sitting on the counter, vape pen in hand while smoke poured out of her mouth.

"fuck kai, i thought you were mr. robinson." she jumped. "what are you doing in here?"

"you weren't in class so i came to find you. i figured you'd be here." he said walking towards her.

he lightly placed his hand on her thigh while standing between her legs, but she turned away so her back was against the wall.

"what's wrong, baby?" he asked, trying to look into her pretty hues.

"i wonder." she said rolling her eyes sarcastically.

"yeah, that's why i'm asking you." he mumbled, furrowing his brows.

"you wouldn't get it, kai."

"just tell me, y/n/n. i'm here for you." he pleaded.

y/n sighed before turning her body back to face the asian. "this is so hard, kairi. i hate keeping us a secret. you talk to me like i'm just one of the guys in public, but when we're alone it's like you're a completely different person." she stated.

"is this about this morning?" he asked.

"i dunno. i just.." the girl paused, taking a deep breath. "i think i love you, kai. and i want everyone to know." she looked down at her legs as her eyes watered with tears that threatened to spill out.

kairi looked at the girl in shock. for the longest time he thought the same thing, but he never thought she would feel the same.

he gently grabbed her chin and lifted her head making her look him in the eyes. "i feel the exact same way, y/n. i never thought i would find anyone like you. but as soon as we became friends, i knew we had something special. i've wanted to tell you for so long but i was afraid. i just want to make you my girl."

before she could say anything, the boy leaned in and placed his soft lips on hers, while wrapping his arms around her waist. she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. it wasn't until he pulled away they both knew this was exactly what they both wanted.

"you taste like blueberries, baby."
he smiled. she handed him the pen she had placed on the counter. "want some?" she asked. kairi smiled. it was times like this he loved. just him and his girl, nothing else mattered.

"wanna get outta here?" he asked after taking a hit. "smoke sesh?" he smirked.

"of course, baby boy" she smiled as he helped her down off the counter.

hey y'all. who would u like to see more of? let me know :)

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐋 , 𝑡𝑖𝑘𝑡𝑜𝑘 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠/𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠.Where stories live. Discover now