𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 - 𝐣𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬

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it was halloween night, and y/n and her friends were hanging out at a classmates house party. alex, mattia, kairi and alvaro were watching y/n from a distance, down three shots in 15 seconds. y/n was quite the party animal, so they had to be the responsible ones and make sure nothing bad happened.

just as y/n was about to take another shot, she buckled over and ran to the washroom on the other side of the kitchen. the boys all looked at each other, and mattia made the executive decision to go check on her.

knocking on the washroom door, after hearing y/n's permission, he opened it to find y/n half laying, half sitting on the floor, face pale and a bit shaken up.

"come on, let's get you home." mattia lightly grabbed underneath y/n's arms and lifted her onto the toilet seat.

"noo i don't wanna mattiaaa." she slurred, dragging out the "a" in his name.

"y/n, you're drunk. we need to get you home before the cops come and crash." he tried to persuade her.

"ugh fi-" she was cut off by a gag coming from her own throat. she quickly got off the seat, got onto her knees and lifted the lid, throwing up the remaining of what she had to drink. mattia was quick to grab her hair and lightly hold it behind her face, while gently rubbing her back.

"let it all out." he reassured her.

"tank you mattia." she smiled up at him while wiping her mouth as he flushed the toilet.

smiling back down at her, he helped her get up without stumbling, and lead her to the living area where the other boys were.

"alright, lets get her home." mattia ushered y/n and the rest of the boys into his car. mattia got into the drivers seat considering he hadn't been drinking. y/n sat in between kairi and alex in the backseat, and alvaro sat in the passenger seat.

"your hair is so fluffy, kairi." y/n smiled a loopy smile at him.

"thank you, y/n." the four boys had barely drank, knowing y/n was going to get like this from experience.

they had all known y/n since they were very young, starting with mattia. the two of them had played soccer together at a young age, and connected because of their cheerful attitudes. once they got into elementary school, they met alex and kairi, and y/n found out alvaro lived beside her. the five of them had been friends ever since.

y/n looked over to the side and saw alex leaning his head against the window, obviously in a daze. she moved her head to his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist, snapping him out of his trance.

"sowwy kai, i need to give alex love too." y/n pouted.

alex smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, planting a kiss on the top of her head, in a friendly manner. each one of the boys had liked y/n at one point, vise versa. but none of those little crushes had ever amounted to anything, not wanting to ruin the relationship they already had.

"alvaro's being a party pooper up there. you shoulda sat back here with the party!" y/n slurred while reaching up to rub alvaro's head. the boy looked back and smiled at the three in the backseat.

"i don't think there would be enough room back there, y/n." he smirked.

"of course there would! you could sit in my spot, and i could sit on your lap!" she tried to move out of her spot so there would be room for alvaro to sit.

"y/n just stay seated, we're almost at your house." alvaro assured her.

y/n had almost fell asleep on alex's shoulder, when she was shaken awake by kairi.

"we're here, y/n." he said, reaching over to unlock her seatbelt and help her out.

alvaro and alex each grabbed one of her hands to steady her and help her in the house.

y/n's parents weren't home, so there was no need to worry. as they reached y/n's room, mattia pulled down her sheets to allow her to climb into bed.

y/n's mood changed in the matter of seconds, as she started to silently cry into her pillow.

"what's wrong, y/n?" alvaro asked as her as he sat next to her on the soft mattress.

"i'm s- sowwy." she sniffled.

"why are you sorry?" kairi asked as he brushed the hair out of her face.

"i- i feel like i always do this to you guys. and you n-never get to enjoy yourselves." she sobbed.

"oh god, y/n. we're not upset, bubs. we have to look out for our girl." alex cooed, rubbing her hair.

"you're not mad?" she asked, wiping her tears.

"well, maybe when you smell like alcohol and rot, but that's okay because we love you." mattia joked.

"i love you guys too." y/n grinned at them. "can you guys lay with me?" she asked.

"of course." kairi said softly.

kairi got in beside y/n and wrapped his arms around her waist, alex laid his head on y/n's stomach and alvaro did the same to alex.

"you comin, mattia?" alvaro asked.

mattia took a running start and jumped onto the bed on the other side of y/n.

"you're dumb, mattia." y/n giggled.

"yeah yeah, love you too." he smirked.

happy late halloween! thank you all for 1k reads! i can't believe people actually enjoy reading my shit. i actually really enjoyed writing this. please send in your requests!!

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐋 , 𝑡𝑖𝑘𝑡𝑜𝑘 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠/𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠.Where stories live. Discover now