detention (i)

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you sighed, rubbing your eyes and looking at the small clock that sat on the wall to the right of the classroom, noticing that you still had a whole fifty minutes of class left, causing you to groan and tap your pen upon the page impatiently from boredom.

for the third time today, you felt something hit your shoulder. you gritted your teeth, your fingers gripping on the edge of the desk, your knuckles turning white as you turned around slowly to face the back, shooting the boy that sits in the back corner to rows behind you, kim taehyung, an evil glare.

he sent a menacing smirk back, and you rolled your eyes, hatred burning deep inside of you. you bent down quickly, picking up the crumpled sheet of paper which you assumed had some sort of message in it off of the floor, returning to your seat.

you discretely smoothed out the paper, revealing the message the taehyung had written.

why are you ignoring my messages?

you furrow your eyebrows, giving him a look of irritation as you suddenly reached in your pencil case to grab a pen, furiously flicking the cap off, before going to write something, your fingers clenching the pen with anger.

because you're fucking annoying, i told you to leave me alone.

satisfied with your message, you take the liberty of crumpling up the note and checking to see if the teacher wasn't look, before tossing it to him. you observe him as he bends down from his seat to pick up the piece of paper, opening it and reading over, his eyebrows furrowing. he narrows his eyes at you, and you glare back, turning around.

satisfied, you let your mind trail off to other things that didn't revolve around taehyung, when you felt another thing hit your shoulder. you scoffed, turning around to taehyung again, him returning you a mischievous smile. in that moment his face looked very punchable.

you're the one who started it

you furrowed your eyebrows, giving him a look of utter confusion, before turning back around and picking up your pen, writing furiously.

how the fuck did i start it?

and that is how the chain of messages began throughout the one hour period of maths class, tossing notes back and forward to each other in frustration and hatred. to say you and taehyung didn't have the best relationship would be an understatement. you two hated each other.

you and taehyung have known each other your whole life, since kindergarten, and you have been enemies ever since you met on the first day of kindergarten. you couldn't quite put your finger on how your hatred for one another started, but it just seemed to be an occurrence that you had gotten used to.

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