fight (ii)

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"come on y/n! it will be fun," your best friend mi-rae persisted as she effortlessly leaned closer to the mirror to apply black mascara to her naturally long eyelashes. you observed her as she applied makeup to her flawless face and curled her hair as she got ready for the party that you weren't going to go to.

you sat on your bed in an oversized sweatshirt and grey sweatpants, your soft hair flowing down your back in waves and your legs criss-crossed underneath comfortably. you were definitely not party ready. if anything — you were in the awkward post breakup stage where you weren't over it but you had gotten used to the idea that you and taehyung were not going to get back together. you were never going to get over it though, you were pretty sure taehyung was the love of your life, and you would never have someone as good as him ever again. but you promised yourself that you would never forgive him.

you laughed, "fun? yeah, sure," you shot, sarcasm dripping in your voice. the party was being held at jungkook's house, one of your best friends. and you knew that he wanted you to come as he had begged you for an hour straight on facetime yesterday. but you had to decline, you were just not in the mood at all, and you also knew taehyung was going to be there as he was jungkook's best friend also. who knows what you would get yourself into accidentally if you got drunk.

"it will! i promise... maybe you need a night out out to clear your head, forget about him! think about it," she walked over to you placing her hands on your shoulders, "you have to show him that you don't care, you can have fun without him, alright?" she asked, practically forcing you at this point, and although you tried to stand your ground, she was a lot stronger than you, resulting in her pulling you up and shoving you towards the closet to pick an outfit.

you groaned, complying as you scanned through your outfit choices. what was something that was rather conservative but sexy at the same time? a dress? skirt? pants? you never normally cared this much for the parties that you attended with taehyung in the past. mainly because taehyung never cared whether you were dressed up or in pyjamas, he told you you were beautiful either way. most of the parties you went to together were spent upstairs in an empty room together, anyway.

the school knew you and taehyung as the power couple. this could be misleading, if you didn't know the pair well enough, as it would make you seem like the perfect couple, when you were not, you weren't necessarily on and off, but you would spend so much time together, knew everything about eachother, maybe too much for your own good. everybody was convinced that taehyung owned your heart and you owned his, and that would never change, like soulmates.

of course, many girls were jealous of you, taehyung was the hottest guy in school, along with his six best friends. girls would give you envious stares that weren't necessarily mean, they just wished they had a relationship like you too had. no girls even tried because they all knew how much you two loved each other. and so when you both broke up, it was the talk of the whole school, everyone was in shock.

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