sleepless nights

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to put it simply, your parents fought. a lot. especially at night time as they are both too busy working during the day to even bother acknowledging each other. it happened so often that even though they were your parents and you didn't want them apart, you sometimes wished that they would just divorce already so you wouldn't have to deal with the screaming and yelling all the time.

you pressed the pillow to the side of your head harder to try and block out the noise, this wasn't the first night that you couldn't sleep because of the yelling, it happened almost every night now but most nights you would be able to block it off and force yourself to sleep. you didn't cry, you just lay numb, unblinking, in your deep pit of depression that it caused you.

sometimes, you would sleep over at a boy in your apartment complex, kim taehyung's apartment if it got really bad, at least from there you couldn't hear the screams. when this first began happening, you and taehyung were merely acquaintances, until one night the screaming and yelling got to be so bad that you thought it would be better to sleep in the lobby. you tried to sleep on the bench in the apartment lobby, wrapping up in your blanket to protect yourself from the cold.

taehyung was on a late night visit to the convenience store when he had noticed you lying on the bench, and he brought you up to his apartment with no questions asked, although over time he figured it out. you had trusted him, as he was one of the boys at your school, a popular one but nice. and after taehyung told you it was ok for you to stay when you needed to as his parents were constantly away on business trips, it became a habit if you were having one of those really bad nights.

you hadn't resorted to this in two months, but tonight was one of those nights.

carefully sneaking out the front door of your apartment in the fear of disturbing your parent's fight, you held your blanket around your weak form as you quietly tiptoed over to the elevator to taehyung's floor. you sniffled, you probably looked terrible from the lack of sleep, it was too much for you.

once arriving at taehyung's apartment, you knocked lightly but enough so that he could hear. he heard, shuffling over to the door in sweatpants and a grey hoodie whilst running a hand through his hair drowsily, but his expression softened once he opened the door to see you standing outside in exhaustion. without any words exchanged, he opened the door wider, moving out of the way to allow you to step in.

he closed the door and followed in closely behind you, placing a protective hand on your back as he lead you to his room. he knew that in times like this you didn't like to talk about it and just liked to fall asleep, therefore you both never did talk about it and you would normally just crawl into his bed as he slept on one end and you slept on another. but today was different, as you walked in a sat on the edge of his bed, silently staring into space.

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