backup dancer (i)

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"stop the music,"

you held your breath for the fifth time today knowing for a fact that you were going to get criticism, and you knew this as taehyung sent you the same glare through the rehearsal room mirrors that told you that it was your fault that he had to stop the practice. regardless — he was your 'boss' technically, so you tried your best to remain calm and listen to his words.

you could hear hoseok sigh from the corner, "not again taehyung?"

taehyung turned, glancing at hoseok before back at you amongst the other singularity back up dancers, it seemed no matter what you do, no matter how hard you tried, taehyung always seemed to have something hurtful to say about your dancing, about how you 'got a move wrong' or even how you're 'ruining the whole dance', "well maybe if she got the choreography right i wouldn't have to stop," he spat.

you breathed deeply, for you were used to it. although you couldn't pretend that you weren't hurt. dancing was your passion — it was your job, but taehyung made you feel like you weren't good enough, like you were talentless. "i've got a name you know," you decided to defend yourself, mirroring him with a more subtle glare.

"i don't care," he gave a tight lipped sarcastic smile, "you don't deserve a name. maybe if you could actually dance correctly i would reconsider it," he spoke sharply and harshly, each word cutting through you like a knife. you felt tears prick your eyes but thankfully no one noticed, as you tried to stay professional. this was a regular occasion, taehyung yelling at you for nothing at all. it was sad really, before you became a trainee in bighit you actually looked up to him and idolised him — that was until you found out his true colours.

the worst part was, was that he only seemed to hate you, not the other dancers.

"taehyung, we're watching and she's not making any mistakes, in fact y/n is one of the best dancers here at the moment," hoseok defended you. the rest of bts were sitting along the side watching the rehearsal as usual, which embarrassed you even more. they witnessed every second of taehyung's words. you didn't understand why you stood through and took his words, letting him get away with it, most likely because you really needed this career. you didn't have money and you weren't close with your family.

"it's my song, i can see in the mirror that she keeps messing up. if you guys are gonna keep commenting then i think you should leave," taehyung said, wiping his forehead with a cloth and taking a sip of water. your hands nervously clung to your clothes and anxiously played with them, awaiting taehyung's next comments as you tried so hard not to cry. you probably were messing up by now — no matter how hard you tried, your confidence in dancing was now much lower making it harder to dance in general.

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